overly romanticised version of life

images by onionhead, RebzxJonasxMoseley

Monday, July 18, 2005

"For me to poop on!"

Last weekend I was busy doing my Computing coursework practice at home. You know... I've got to practice coding the program so that I won't screw up when I get to College for the real Coursework sessions.

Actually our College has quite a good Coursework system... on average, the coursework session each day will not be more than an hour. I heard that in St Andrew's JC, their Computing Coursework sessions take place after school, and each session lasts 4 hours!

Imagine if I got screwed up in the middle of such a session... I'll waste precious time thinking of the solution!

So last weekend I managed to come up with a robust Main Menu for my programme... and my Book Title Search algorithm is almost complete.

During breaks I watched the Star Wars geeks video clip (with Triumph the Insult Comic Dog as the reporter) which I mentioned in one of my recent posts. I've watched it for several times, but the more I watch it, the funnier it gets!

I remember one of Triumph's favourite lines: "For me to poop on!".

I've been thinking to join UNIFEM (one of the GP tutors in my College works for this organization), an organization which campaigns against sex-slavery... I mean, someone's got to do something, right?

I watched the later part of Minority Report yesterday... and was glad that by watching the later part alone, I got to sort of understand the whole movie.

I think the movie shows one major message, that no matter how good a system we implement, there are bound to be people who mess it up. All of us have a sinful nature and tend to use good things for bad purposes.

Just look at Communism. It's supposed to be a very good political system, where everyone shares his/her possessions... I think it's a system based on selflessness. However, in the hands of fallible humans, Communism could never be achieved, and pioneer Communist leaders are now seen as nothing more than power-hungry individuals.

Now for what happened today.

This morning I went with NCC and Jinrong for chin-up practice (sorry Kelvin, if you could not find me at the canteen...). I did 6 assisted chin-ups (if not assisted, I couldn't do even one!). Gotta try harder and do chin-ups everyday. Jiansheng put in quite a lot of effort for that, and I think it paid off.

We're going into our period of revision, so now Bio and Chem (I'm not sure about other subjects) students will have topical diagnostic tests every week.

I screwed up the Thermochem test today. Did it too slowly. Again.

The weekend efforts for my Computing Coursework did pay off... and all of those algorithms which I spent hours coughing up at home were all "regurgitated" into my College workstation now. And everything worked!

Thank God for giving me wisdom for this Coursework.

There was no PE today. So sad.

I went to today and checked out the section for the coming movies for Narnia and Harry Potter...

So Liam Neeson (who played Oskar Schindler, Qui-gon Jinn etc.) would be the "voice" of Aslan the Lion, the King of the land of Narnia (I suppose so... I have yet to read the novel yet).

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Aslan the lion

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The White Witch, the villain in the saga

In the movie HP and the Prisoner of Azkaban, the director decided to ulet the characters wear casual clothes, and in Goblet of Fire, Harry and Ron are even allowed to keep long hair! I have a bad feeling about this... but anyway...

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Long-haired Muggers

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Hermione (in the Yule Ball), who grows prettier everytime a new episode comes up.

In the Yule Ball, Hermione was supposed to wear a blue cloak (that's from the book...), and I wonder how she'll look that way.

Speaking of HP, it is of course known that the series is opposed by lots of Christians under the reason that witchcraft is a sin...

Well witchcraft is a sin; this I believe. Mom told me a lot of scary tales of people being under spells (we Chinese call it "jiang tou") and I got so freaked out, but God reminded me that he's on the side of those who believe in him, and God is holy.

So I have nothing to fear.

As for the Harry Potter saga, it is a story that involves "wizards"... but I think it's still in a fantasy tale manner... it's not what real witchcraft is like... is it? I mean, those so-called "incantations" are not even incantations at all; they're merely derivatives from Latin words!

One thing I agree about the "Christian" case is that it's bad for children. Children would not know how to discern between what's right and wrong, and would be drawn to other stuff about witchcraft instead of simply appreciating the story, as a story.

But will it have bad effects on those who recognize fact from fiction?