overly romanticised version of life

images by onionhead, RebzxJonasxMoseley

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Childish games



不要再以声张正义为理由,玩小孩子的游戏了。“操”来“操”去的, 看了都恶心。都只像是想借故搭顺风车成名的人,如此而已!

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Joining Hands

当年 SARS 时期,那股笼罩着亚洲的浓雾般的恐惧已不复在。





后来也跟着回想起这首歌的背景。SARS 是场足以让社会濒临分裂的。。。 可以说“天灾”吧。医务人员是英雄,也同时是“瘟神”。咳嗽严重一点就变成 social outcast (我妈那时还咳得不轻,所以有 firsthand experience)。





There comes a time when things we come up with to bring a bit more convenience into our lives become a liability instead.

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Along came Spidey

I just realised that my previous post was my 444th post on this blog.


Hmm... my 444th post is on the 4 Flying Wheels. What a coincidence...


Well, "you can't know what control really means" until you have 2 seemingly promising games threatening your grades for the first semester. Now THAT'S gonna take some serious control!

I was just harping on about Star Wars The Force Unleashed, and now we have an upcoming Spidey game, Web of Shadows.

Then again, this was just a teaser trailer and as of now, we know nuts about the gameplay and controls, so... will it be a revolutionary Spidey game? We shall see.

Sunday, May 04, 2008


Many who know me will know why I love figurines... because of how they manage to capture the essence of the characters or scenario they represent.

Like this one.


Mass-produced figurines. For the mass-produced band.

Lessons from a K Session

Last Sunday I went for Karaoke with K-Coy. Finally after so many months of stagnancy, we mobilised ourselves for the throat fight again. This time round, like many other past K sessions, left me with many new (and some old) discoveries. Here are a few.

1. Nicholas Teo's "错了再错" can be alternatively known as the 晨亦儒 & 孙燕姿 MV.

孙燕姿-lookalike. More on the sultry side, in fact.

What about 晨亦儒? Don't you think he looks like 张栋梁? A lot?

2. Angela Chang's "亲爱的那不是爱情" uses the metaphor of an elf living in the wrong forest.


Well that looks more like an elf wearing the wrong clothes.

3. SHE's "夏天的微笑" was written by 啊沁. Suddenly I respect that guy more.

4. The choruses of Jay Chou's classic "发如雪" and Tank's "独唱情歌" have the same chord progression. Edmund and I accidentally discovered it while playing a prank.

It actually eluded my ears all these days of listening to the 2 songs. I must be more mindful next time.

5. Amber 郭采洁. Remember the girl in 啊沁's "其实还爱你"?

"You mean..."






Wrong picture wrong picture! I don't want the "Artist's Impression"!






Ah yes that's right.

She's now a record artiste too, and her whole image (including the voice) is fairly remeniscent of Angela, but with more power.

Disclaimer: I hate this whole comparison-between-artistes kind of shit, but I have to give a reason why I started to notice this singer, shouldn't I?

Here's an MV we watched on that day.

6. Kaira 龚诗嘉. Another good singer orphaned by HIM. I heard she's still doing music on her own now. I hope so.

Kai Guan brought my attention to her music, and that's when I knew that she penned her own songs and I... kind of took a liking to her non-hit-single songs.

Which was why we sang some of her songs that day.

She really has this girl-next-door look. In fact, she looks extra familiar to me...

Until, halfway through her song, Yichuan told me why.

"She looks a bit like Hongda huh?" (Hongda was one of our old boys in CPC)


I couldn't keep my face straight for the rest of the song.

7. And I'm really sick of MTVs with the hero (or sometimes the heroine) getting run over by a car.

8. The link between economics and, erm, the length of school uniform skirts. And no you DON'T want me to elaborate. This shall remain the secret of K-Coy. Shhh.