overly romanticised version of life

images by onionhead, RebzxJonasxMoseley

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Cutting edge shower technology. In the literal sense.

Shit, I left out stuff from yesterday's entry again.

During the blood donation, I took my own weight... remember the time when I weighed myself on a faulty balance and got a reading of 40 kg? Now I know my true weight. 60 kg.

Junming told me yesterday during WOW that PES C people will not necerrarily be clerks. Which lightened me up a bit. I may be given minor tasks like guard duty... or even driver... and it's better (less boring) than clerk work.

Usually, on Thursday mornings, I only had an apple for breakfast (Mass PE was the first period and I don't want to consume too much proteins and fat) and I had to go buy a decent breakfast after PE.

Today, however, I decided to just buy my sandwich and keep it in my bag until PE was over, so I didn't have to go all the way to the canteen after the tiring PE lesson.

Why didn't I think of that earlier?

PE today was a new challenge for me... 3.2 km with an uphill course. Uphill run was agonizing... reminded me of Christ walking the Via Dolorosa (I think it's an uphill route too...) carrying his cross.

After the run, there's this exercise where I had to lie on my belly, use my upper arm to support my upper body, lift my belly up, and stay in that position for 1 minute. Thruoghout the whole thing I was reciting parts from Psalm 23 (the "your rod and staff protect and comfort me" thing) and tried not to focus on my weariness.

While trying to score a chin-up, Izzat suddenly volunteered to help hold me up and let me stay in chin-up position for 5 seconds, to train my arm muscles.

As usual, I had a shower after PE. Usually I would have my shower in this cubicle with a high-pressure shower, and I had to remove my glasses lest the water jet knocked them off. In fact, the jets were so strong, it felt like Jacuzzi.

No. Today I used another cubicle with a much gentler shower.

I'm still stuck with Electrolysis... and today's tutorial has only touched the first question on that topic... so I've got to wait till I've sat through more tutorials to really figure this topic out.

Computing Coursework today was another step forward for me, even though I was a bit slower than the rest... but a slight change to my code tomorrow and I'll be starting on my 3rd and final question.

After Computing I joined Mr Chua to the EAS (school attandants' room) to borrow 2 drink dispensers for the IT Club investiture. To my utter horror, one of the dispensers actually still contained some fruit punch from eons ago!

Not to mention the stench.

Don't worry, IT Club people, I had that dispenser's interiors scrubbed with dishwashing detergent thoroughly.

After that I went to Tampines Mall to buy the Star Wars novel "Tatooine Ghost". One of the reasons I wanted to buy this book was because it's about Leia coming to terms with her fallen (and redeemed) father's past.

I dropped by Times bookshop and found out that a fellow TJC Forummer's claim was true -- that Order of the Phoenix was being sold at $7 each! According to the cashier, the same price will remain while stocks last!

It will be easy to save $7, right?

I'll be going for IT Club investiture soon. Will blog about that tomorrow.