overly romanticised version of life

images by onionhead, RebzxJonasxMoseley

Wednesday, May 23, 2007


Now less than 250 days to ORD!

At one point I was looking at my own countdown and then at Kelvin's countdown... mine is 242 days while his is 424!

But that means I have less days in the office to prove myself and to contribute significantly.

Been talking to YY about office work, and he was telling me that there's so much more I can do with my job scope.

But I just seem unable to go beyond my work and make a difference.

I know I won't be touching office work again after ORD. But what I'm doing in this office now really matters.

In the end, however, it just comes down to upping my credibility first by making less mistakes and being more certain of myself.

Last weekend was an eventful one... on Saturday I went for a concert by the VJC Harmonica Orchestra, and saw Wenjun in action! He, along with a few more members, played solo pieces for a number of songs.

As expected of Conductor Tang (he took the place of conductor of AHS Harmonica Orchestra the year after I graduated), there was a fair share of modern pop songs, and some of them were arranged pretty well.

Sometimes there were, of course, what we call "cock-ups", especially in the solo parts. But the showmanship was there... many of the pieces were performed with some kind of role-playing which managed to help spice up the performance.

Watching them play reminded me of my days in AHS HO. Again. And it also reminded me that I should go get my new harmonica soon.

On Sunday I met up with the upperstudies for board gaming at Bernard's house, and did some catching up. They're all talking about Uni life and got me all curious. I'm still torn between wanting to stay in some residence and study more, or to choose the Hall life. Most probably I'll go for the former.

After all, I think I'll be very satisfied if I can just get a place in the NUS Harmonica Orchestra... or maybe the choir, as I feel a need to improve on my singing.

Got a Nintendo DS recently and of course my first game was Pokemon Diamond! The touch screen added only a slight enhancement to the gaming experience, but this time round not only the "Night & Day" feature is back... the perspectives of view in the game are also very nicely done... so now when your character walks up a flight of stairs or stands on elevated ground it really looks like that!

I almost bought DS Burnout (just to prove Kelvin wrong about my not getting the PSP) but thank God I didn't... went online to take a look at the review and what I saw certainly wasn't very promising. Bought MarioKart DS for my racing game instead, and I didn't regret it! The drifting is awesome!

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

The Amazing Spi- ah no I mean, grace.

I was very fortunate to have been able to catch Spidey 3 on its first day of screening. At quite an early time in the day too! Thanks Kelvin!

Anyway... what can I say? You all know that this episode will be about Spidey having a battle within himself (not to mention 3 (3!!!) villains (Venom, the new Green Goblin & Sandman), all packed in one film.

In my opinion this film is really worth a watch.

The thing about Spidey films is that... well, it does justice to the so-called "villains", by giving us their background quite clearly. In the end of the films I could always feel that the villain who died, was yet another person -- he had dreams, he had loved ones, his dreams were shattered, his loved ones gone... etc. Not to justify their deeds, but perhaps just an effort to bring out in us the compassion that they too deserved.

I tell you what... at the end of Spiderman 3 I don't know which lines you'll remember and which lines you'll forget, but there's definitely one line all of us wil take away from the film.

"I forgive you."