overly romanticised version of life

images by onionhead, RebzxJonasxMoseley

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Getting even

This morning it rained heavily, so the Student Venture people held the daily gathering in the canteen, instead of the Sports Complex.

So I joined them while eating my Wild Wild West breakfast set (yes, Wild Wild West is back after a long period of closure!)... Hannah and Jiansheng were there, and Xiaoyun came shortly after that.

Xiaoyun gave us a pass-it-on card (you know... those with Bible verses on them) each, with some stuff written behind... Jiansheng's card even had a hand-drawn sun behind it!

Later, Xiaoyun let us sign on a birthday card for Jonathan, and since we're really at our wits' end as to what to write, we decided to pray a short prayer first.

After the prayer, I reflected something which I noticed a long time back... that many Christians like to say the word "even", even when it's not really necessary (Xiaoyun had lots of "evens" in her prayers too!), and Xiaoyun sort of agreed. She even added that a lot of Christians like to use the word "indeed".

So at that time when I was even still eating "of" (yes some Christians love to add the word "of" after verbs...) my breakfast set, I decided to even write this sentence before even signing of my name.

"May the LORD even bless you, indeed!"

Sigh... I should indeed have added an "of" even between the "bless" and "you"...

Today I was happy to even realize that I have gotten the hang of Electrochem, to indeed understand how to even determine which reactions would even just occur at respective electrodes.

Haha... during that time when I could not even grasp Electrolysis concepts, I was, like, my hope of even becoming a Chem teacher in AHS was put into jeopardy. I mean, how can I teach of Chemistry without understanding of Electrochem?

Heh... I'm relieved now. At last. I could even just do of my tutorials without a frown on my face.

We did of Comprehension during GP, and I was quite glad that I even just completed of my Appliication Question (that is, with conclusion), indeed. The question was about the aged and the treatment they are even getting of from the society.

I even just did of my Physics tutorials during Food Chem lecture.

Firstly, it's because I knew I ought to even just prepare tutorials before the tutor goes over them.

Secondly, I was thinking that the recent lectures were actually times when Mr Goh was even just going through the stuff in the notes. So since the stuff were already in the notes, why do we need someone to even just recite of them?

Now an oxymoron is a combination of two words that are completely opposite in meaning. Recently I saw this list of oxynmorons on TJC Forums, and I thought it appropriate to even just share it with you.

Please have the patience to even just read of it until the very end.

  • 30. Small crowd
  • 29. Business ethics
  • 28. Soft rock
  • 27. Butt head
  • 26. Military intelligence
  • 25. Software documentation
  • 24. New classic
  • 23. Sweet sorrow
  • 22. Child Proof
  • 21. "Now, then ."
  • 20. Synthetic natural gas
  • 19. Passive aggression
  • 18. Taped live
  • 17. Clearly misunderstood
  • 16. Peace force
  • 15. Extinct life
  • 14. Temporary tax increase
  • 13. Computer jock
  • 12. Plastic glasses
  • 11. Terribly pleased
  • 10. Computer security
  • 9. Political science
  • 8. Tight slacks
  • 7. Definite maybe
  • 6. Pretty ugly
  • 5. Twelve-ounce pound cake
  • 4. Diet ice cream
  • 3. Working vacation
  • 2. Exact estimate

..And the number 1 oxymoron is..

  • 1. Microsoft works

This was contributed by a TJC Forums user called ~~M@k@n~~, who indeed seems to have a huge collection of e-mail jokes...