overly romanticised version of life

images by onionhead, RebzxJonasxMoseley

Friday, July 15, 2005

Heavy hearted

Went to LT2 for the Maths extra lesson, but it was totally empty inside.

So I went to browse through the papers put under LT! for public reading, and of course, my attention was drawn to the 2 most talked about sagas: The NKF controversy and the Huang Na trials.

So the Board has resigned... I was personally quite overwhelmed by the response of the public... the 180-degree change of attitude towards the NKF and the sudden withdrawal of donations. But then again, the donors have all donated for the sake of the patients, and I myself was a bit shaken when I heard about the immense salaries of the directors, which present a stark contrast against some of the families of the kidney patients who have to scavenge rubbish dumps for food.

I think that while the NFK is answerable to the public, the group that should be more concerned was to be the kidney patients who still bear immense burdens of dialysis fees.

Greater transparency is of course favourable.

What's more shocking was that Huang's "sexual assault" was just an attempt by Took to mislead the police into thinking that it was a sexual crime, and that the whole "murder" case was simply a hide-and-seek game that went wrong.

Reading the description of the incident was what got me so heavy-hearted now... the girl injured her head badly and was having spasms... Took claimed that he, who was alone with her at that time, was confused and tried to "put her out of her misery".

An innocent game that turned into such a situation.

At a loss for words, so my phrasing might have been a bit awkward...