overly romanticised version of life

images by onionhead, RebzxJonasxMoseley

Thursday, July 28, 2005

For their salvation

Yesterday there was not much to blog about, except that there was a Maths test which I did quite happily. A good sign.

Except that right after I handed up the script, I discovered that I forgot to do Continuity Correction for one of the questions.

For Mass Civics, we listened to a talk entitled "How to avoid marrying a jerk", and it's quite enriching... and I think the concepts are pretty Biblical as well.

I think my friends are generally turned off by regiosity. Yesterday during lunch period, I was having a fast and I couldn't join them for lunch... and the reactions of some of them were overwhelming...

I was concerned about this too... because in my dealings with friends, my primary concern is that whether it will show God's love for them. What are the things which will turn them off and drive them to shut themselves off from the Good News?

The American invasion of Iraq was, I believe, an attempt to liberate the Iraqis from oppression from their government, but in the process, many other peoples around the world became blinded to God's love...

There was one when I came accross this website called What I saw there got me quite shaken, and I still remember one message there which says

"Two countries under Bush's God."

You know the rest.

I wish that I can completely follow what the Bible says in 1st Corinthians 10:33...

"I don't just do what I like or what is best for me, but what is best for them so they may be saved."

Anyway, today during Mass PE we had a mock 2.4 km run to prepare us for the actual run which comes next Friday. Due to a lack of training (I've seldom run my 3.6 km course since the beginning of June), my performance was not very satisfactory... 12 minutes 18 seconds. I still remember the time when I could finish the course in 11 minutes...

I think I've got to train my 3.6 km run almost every day for next week.

I went for my post-PE shower so late that I thought I would not make it this time, but eventually I still made it before the girls. Thank God.

Yesterday Kaicheng and Esmond didn't take the test, and during the Maths period today, Mrs Leong almost divulged the question to them unintentionally during a casual class discussion. Kaicheng was the one to stop Mrs Leong... hmm, that's integrity yeah?

During GP lecture today, we still did post-mortem for the JCT essays, and one of the topics discussed today was something about the effect of globalisation on our country.

It's just a stray thought, but I believe that one of the most important impact of globalisation is the standardization of measurements. Without it, things can really be difficult, even within a single country.

During Computing Coursework today, I realized that I overlooked a very important thing in my code, and quickly moved to solve the problem. And my code is almost completed. Almost. A stone's throw away. Or even nearer than that.

I've been doing this year's Coursework at a much relaxed pace... last year's Coursework period was a stressful one for m... I even had to stay up overnight once... and near the end of the coursework, my code wouldn't work... I remember praying very hard that night, and I barely managed to make my code work.

This year, I even look forward to Coursework sessions!

Oh, today I finally saved up enough money for my $7 Order of the Phoenix (and I hope there's still stock at TM Times Bookshop) and I'm going to get it this evening.

Today I took a break from saving money, and had a lavish Wlid Wlid West meal for lunch... Haha Joel didnt get to eat it today because he didn't want to wait in the long queue. The rest of us 10/04 guys managed to get it early, when the canteen was less crowded, you see...

And I only got one piece of chicken cutlet; normally there would be 2 pieces in the set meal...