overly romanticised version of life

images by onionhead, RebzxJonasxMoseley

Monday, July 11, 2005

Egg-machine: Yet another "quality" animation by Isaiah Incorporated

Last weekend I made a big mistake.

During the weekdays I thought my Electrochem tutorials were at home, and I decided to do it over the weekends.

On Saturday, I searched for the tutorial book but couldn't find it in my house drawer, so I reckoned I must have left it in my College locker without knowing it.

What the heck?

So I only did my Maths tutorials (very little of it) and summarised my Protein notes. During the lecture, we're taught that there're 8 kinds of "essential" amino acids that we're supposed to memorise, and Mrs Lim gave us a mnemonic. She's well meaning, of course, but the mnemonic was kind of no-link... so it was a bit difficult to apply.

The 8 amino acids were:

Isoleucine, Leucine, Methionine, Lysine, Phenylalanine, Threonine, Tryptophan and Valine.

So I thought of a clearer mnemonic.

"I Let My Lover Purchase The T.V."

Hope it helps you too.

Stuff cropped up yesterday when I was doing my computing... not regarding my Coursework, but regarding my house internet. Thank God the problem was solved after I reformatted my computer.

Yes I reformatted it again.

This morning I expected to find my Chem tutorial book in my College locker, but it wasn't there. So it's still in my house? How can it be?

Gotta search more thoroughly.

Today Ms Fong continued going through the Chem JCT paper and I felt that I still have much to learn. I think that Ms Fong really believes in us... even though our collective scores were not very desirable. She actually maintained that I was improving in my Chem when Mom called her up... for which I am grateful.

Actually I think all our tutors believe in us. Mrs Leong, Mr Desai, Mr Chua... yeah. Can't let them down. Can't let God down as well.

Got to sit with Jiansheng today during Maths and Physics lecture. All of a sudden, I felt like I was a 15/04 student again (whom I was in the first 3 months). Heh.

Computing coursework for today was... OK. Did what I was supposed to do for the day, so it was good enough. Weekend preparation practice does help.

PE session was... strenous. Got to jog quite a distance (which lightened me up a bit) and did stuff like dip and several variations of push-ups.

Recently Geoffrey mentioned about LEGO in his blog... and that reminded me of some of my LEGO Star Wars constructions...

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LEGO X-wing, which I published in one of my older entries.

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LEGO Slave 1 (Boba Fett's ship).

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Slave 1 side view

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Compare with the original LEGO Slave 1 (Empire Strikes back edition).

Those were stuff that I did in my Sec 3 years. Slave 1 was "constructed" by accident... I was just mixing and matching blocks, trying to make a ship on my own, when I realized that my hybrid ship had the basic shape of Slave 1. So I did a few modifications and... Tah-Dah!

OK in case you are wondering about my entry's title...

I read in one of my GP handouts (oh I got 48% for GP JCT, by the way) on Medical ethics that in Europe (Spain, if I'm not wrong), genetic researchers came up with this thing which some people call "quasi-chicken". Basicaly it's just a lump of chicken flesh with only the genetic input for laying eggs. It makes me feel funny to just imagine what it would be like.

Is there a better way than to put my imagination on animated gif image?

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Enjoy your next meal.