overly romanticised version of life

images by onionhead, RebzxJonasxMoseley

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

To the world (as it means in the Bible).

Sigh... today was the Physics test on Alternating current, Analog electronics, and Data analysis. Thank God I could do the AC and Analog questions (mugging does pay off!) but I had difficulties with the Data analysis questions... sigh.

Kelvin told me about Xiaxue's post about Christianity again. About how a pastor was being insensitive for trying to evangelise during her friend's funeral. She said her friend might not want to have his faith spread during his funeral.

Well, I don't think a Christian would strongly object to having his faith being spread even on a funeral. For me, I wouldn't. I wouldn't say something like "This is MY funeral done in MY remembrance. It's not about God, but about ME!"

No. We all know that "It's not about me". Christians, I mean.

Of course, a little sensitivity would help.

Talk about evangelism, I would of course pray that I'll say the right stuff at the right time. There's another point I want to make about evangelism...

Before the Judgement seat of God, many would stand bewildered, asking "What's going on? Who's this person pronouncing judgements on us?"

Those who did not accept Christ's sacrifice would not have the curse of sin washed away. When judged for this, they would surely say things to Christians, like "Why did you not tell us earlier about this salvation?"

Surely there would be people doing that! But I tell you in advance, it's because YOU DIDN'T WANT TO LISTEN WHEN WE WANTED TO TELL YOU!

You think I don't care about your salvation? I've been praying that I can have the boldness to speak up and that you'll at least lend a ear to me. I want to tell you about God's love and salvation, and not resort to "heaven-and-hell" scares like you've seen some people do. Because then you would start complaining that we're threatening you all to believe in Christ. Well, I myself didn't know about heaven and hell when I became a believer!


Whatever you do to my body after I'm dead, I don't care. Give me a Bhuddist or Taoist funeral or whatever. If my heart is right with God, I would be with Christ in heaven anyway. The heart is what matters.