overly romanticised version of life

images by onionhead, RebzxJonasxMoseley

Thursday, April 28, 2005

I love the water. Below me and above me.

Today when I woke up, I heard something that almost freaked me out.

Rain. A downpour, to be precise.

My first concern was, of course, the possibility that swimming would be cancelled. I prayed that the rain would stop lah, of course.

Thank God, when my dad's car reached Bedok (I live in Tampines) there wasn't any rain. I supposed the rain stopped in the Bedok area at an earlier time.

So, I didn't have to arrive at the pool drenched to the skin.

Well, today for swimming we did long distance laps... we even swam 2 laps across the length of the whole pool! It was damn tiring, I tell you. Even breaststroke (which I was pretty comfortanle with) got me gasping for air.

So you know how I did for front crawl today.

Anyway, at the pool, there was a drizzle while we're doing the final laps... I couldn't stand up in the pool because if I did, the raindrops (which were cooler than the pool water) would hit my back like bits of ice. Bhrrr!

After our session ended, it started to rain quite heavily (not a downpour yet, thank God). I didn't have an umbrella so I arrived in College with clothes drenched and my hair pretty messed up.

Ms Fong was absent today, so I went to CS lab to try out something I wanted to do using Flash MX while the class went on with homework and card games. Lol.

It's quite difficult to do an animation of me sweating, so you may still be seeing me opening and closing my mouth repeatedly (for my blog photo, I mean) for the time being. Also, the "masking" part in Flash MX got me quite puzzled.

Oh, the hub was exceptionally cold today.

During GP lesson we watched a video on organ transplant. There are many who think that it's wrong to sell organs for transplant. They may just be disturbed by all the capitalism behind it, I think. Otherwise, I think organ donation is not wrong.

There are some who think that it is not good if a person is not buried whole (quite a lot among the Chinese people). Hence they do not want to donate organs after they die.

I think that's a superstitious and very selfish thinking. After death, the body is just an empty shell. Those who want to "safeguard" their dead bodies in this way are withholding life from others while gaining nothing for themselves.

Jesus said "Let the spiritually dead bury their own dead". Only the spiritually dead will place so much importance in their dead bodies.

Today during computing we finally comlpeted the web-based coursework. My site banner was originally a static image, but since Mr Chua said that Flash animation is a technology for which marks will be given, I did an animated GIF image for my banner and it turned out fine! Haha remember my morning attempt on the "masking" part?

Practice pays off.

Today I went running at 3 p.m. and my timing was 17 minutes. After the running and the shower, I went to CS lab to (literally) chill down. During my computer time there (watching Ken playing Metal Slug 3, moderating College Forums, checking E-mail...) I saw this E-mail which said that there's an IT Club Exco meeting at 3 p.m..

You know the rest.

We'll be having Flash lesson for IT Club meeting today. The Exco meeting I missed was regarding the June camp, I think. I want urban hike for the camp, that's for sure!