overly romanticised version of life

images by onionhead, RebzxJonasxMoseley

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

I did do my tutorials okay?

Well, today Ms Fong gave out our progress reports which would of course be shown to our parents. Haha. I'm quite happy with the accuracy of the report and... well, particularly happy with the fact that Mrs Leong remembers that I've been doing my tutorials all the time.

During GP we had comprehension, whose topic was euthanasia (how timely for me. Refer to my "Blue Friday" post.). Well, what those passages say about euthanasia are quite true... I remember one of the authors saying that a doctor is to "save a suffering soul from the ravages of a failing body, and not to ravage a healthy body in the service of a self-destructive soul". Profound but true.

I had a sumptuous lunch today. Fish fillet fried rice (with coleslaw and mashed potato!) from Wild Wild West. With Joel.

During today's Computing period, I had better progress in terms of my content, but on average I was still too slow. Gotta hurry.

One session of Physics remedial just now let me understand all about the smoothing of an Alternating Current. Gotta mug for Physics test, which is the 2nd period tomorrow.

Oh yeah, my cell group MSN forums suddenly became so full of activity and discussion, it freaked me out! Haha... time for me to get more involved with my cell group online!