overly romanticised version of life

images by onionhead, RebzxJonasxMoseley

Wednesday, April 27, 2005


Today during Computing I completed most of my website. And I'm the one lagging furthest behind.

Ten minutes left tomorrow. I'm gonna die!!!

Well, not much about school to blog today because at 11:45 a.m. I joined some of the guys in my class and a lot of people from the Year 2 cohort for a visit to the BMTC in Pulau Tekong! I was damn excited about the trip since the beginning of the week!

So, yeah, we set off at about 12 p.m.. After the bus and ferry trip we reached Tekong and headed straight for the BMTC auditorium.

During the waiting time (we're the first JC group to reach there!) there was music from Perfect Ten 98.7 (I love Maroon 5's songs!) and some short videos from Malaysia Idol (yes there's the "Killing Me Softly" part) and MTV Awards advertisements adapted from LOTR and Spiderman. Damn funny stuff.

Later was a short talk on BMT life, followed by a tour around the Centre.

First we visited the Combat Rations station where they introduced to us the combat ration "menus" for Muslims, Vegetatians, and "None-of-the-aboves" (my own term for it). The combat rations food were actually quite delicious (we have Curry rice, Pasta, Mee Goreng etc) and some of my friends even say it's better than their home food!

Later we visited the place where their do physical training. Their fitness test is conducted using machines with sensors. The chin-up and sit-up stations can even shout out the counts for you (except that it does so in a very mechanic and "un-motivating" voice, lol).

Then, we visited the shooting simulation range. They call it the IMT, which means Individual Marksmanship T... t... Eh, what does the T stand for? "Training" or "test"?

Aww, who cares, as long as we had a whole lot of fun there? Really, the program will give you a very detailed analysis about your shooting style and so on... I think I would love that thing when I go into BMT. Hmm.

Following this was a visit to their living quarters and a brief introduction of the combat suit.

At last was the reception, after which I discovered that TJC students have an affinity for fruit tarts.

That's about all, I think.