overly romanticised version of life

images by onionhead, RebzxJonasxMoseley

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Lost and found... again.

This time, it my pencil case and my homework file.

Yesterday, after Physics practical, I left it in the lab, and didn't realize it until the time I needed my pencil case during Bible Study. Which was about 5pm, when all the labs were closed. I had to wait until this morning when I could get my stuff back.

So, yesterday evening I could only do my Chemistry tutorial.

Back to today (after getting my stuff back in the morning), I think my Gp essay is gonna screw up again. Among other questions, I chose ...

"Disease results from the greed of man. How far do you agree?"

Sigh... even though I knew at least what to write for this, my writing still sux. Last year I could write some substantial essays waht... why can't I do so this year?

We have reached the topic of Amines in our Chemistry syllabus. It's Ms Fong's turn to give lecture again. When I reached the lecture theater, I told a friend from another class that the first word you will hear from Ms Fong is "People... ".

However, just after I finished my statement, Ms Fong started to say something like "OK, settle down... ". Wah kau, why was there an exception this time? Just when I was pondering about this, she suddenly shouted -

"Stop talking! "

Whoa! I was freaked out! Didn't hear her shout like this before! But then, this is a lecture, so she had to deal with a whole lot of students, not just one class...

And you know what? I slept during the lecture! Oops! I just became drowsy for some reason...

Today my class (10/04) and Kelvin's class (23/04) had "open book" Maths test (separately, of course).

And I forgot to bring my notes, so I had to use this "Topic summary" I made myself... quite a trusty sidekick it was, but it was lack of quick thinking on my part which cost me my marks for the Partial Fractions question. 3 marks only, though. Thank God I managed to complete the Summation question in the last moment and save the day!

Later there will be a meeting of the Chosen Ones (the IT Club exco lah!) in which we discuss the fate of the year ones. Muahaha...