overly romanticised version of life

images by onionhead, RebzxJonasxMoseley

Friday, February 04, 2005

Isaiah's "A Series of Exciting Events" Episode 2 -- City Harvest Church prayer meeting.

Unexpected. Today I was passing by the Audi block (actually on my way to do my Quiet Time), then I heard guitar music and reckon that it's the CHC people.

I was right.

Then I joined them for praise and worship lor... since I was planning to pray anyway...

Recently during worship gatherings I always had difficulty focusing on God, maybe b'cos I worry too much about stuff like how I stand, where I put my hands and whatever. But all these don't really matter; it's the heart that counts.

So... yar lah! Then the second song had this verse:

My dreams and my desires
I lay them at your feet

I really felt the Lord's presence when I decided to lay my worries and other thots at his feet. Haha... CHC is really an anointed church (as I always believed!).

Then we split into smaller groups (I was with Hubert) and we prayed for each other. At that time I felt the Lord's anointing even more!

Thank God I was there.