overly romanticised version of life

images by onionhead, RebzxJonasxMoseley

Monday, January 10, 2005

Weekend rantingz

Last weekend was....OK.

Read a book recommended by Jiansheng-- "Heaven Is So Real".
It talks about the heavenly Kingdom Jesus prepared for children who believe in heaven and
are ready for it. It also talks about the doom of unbelievers in hell.

Watched Kung Fu Hustle on Saturday, and found it quite entertaining, except that I couldn't quite catch everything, and towards the end, I was still thinking whether the story had really
Loved the story behind the lollipop, though.

Sunday--not very eventful.

Watched the Renci Show at night.
Ming Yi Fa Shi's stunt was, well compared to last year's ice dip, not so impressive.
What really got me freaked out was Kym Ng's stunt-- she had to performed while
hung upside down... ... and when I saw all the veins on her head... ugh.

And some more, in the end she was whirled around by Mark Lee.
She must have been really dizzy.