overly romanticised version of life

images by onionhead, RebzxJonasxMoseley

Sunday, January 30, 2005

A happening weekend.

Well, yesterday my mom had dental apointment, so I went to White Sands with her.

Haha... of course, I brought some money to play at the arcade! $3, to be exact.

So I played Time Crisis 3(nice game!) and managed to defeat the airplane boss(1st one) this time round! In the past I always couldn't get past the stage with $3, you see... ...

Then I played Star Wars Pod-racing (I used my mom's money. $1. Got scolded by her. Better not do that in the future. OK anyway,) and got 2nd place! Grrrr... In the past I always could get 1st, yesterday dunno why lost touch alrd... sian...

Haha this morning went for a College-wide old clothes and newspaper collection programme with my Civics Group. I was preparing for a tiring day.

And it sure was!

At 8:30 in the morning we set off from College and went to the area near Bedok interchange... Kampong Chai Chee, I think. Ms Fong so nice... she came with us instead of going for the 'Surf and Sweat' competition with her bf. (It was later when I realized it was partly b'cos her bf was overseas anyway... :p)

And, as expected, we got a lot of surprises in store for us.

I didn't know whether to call ourselves efficient, but we did have a 'bumper harvest' and had a good(?!) time moving the newspapers and clothes and whatever. In the later part of the activity me and Mavis actually came across a household with SO much stuff that we had to bring them back to the pick-up point straight away!

Hafiz had a lot of surprise findings. First it was a used baby pram (which proved to be quite useful as it could be used to transport our bags around). Later it was a brand new packet of toilet rolls! LOL.

It was quite an experience for me. More fun than the old stuff collection I had when I was in Sec school.

So long!