overly romanticised version of life

images by onionhead, RebzxJonasxMoseley

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Comforting others? Tryin' to give answers?

Recently during Bible study, we discussed about our feelings towards the tsunami incident. Then we came to the most profound question of all.
Well, some of us naturally said things like human pride and some other kinds of sins and whateva reason we could come up with.
My opinion, however, was that we should not try to explain things we don't quite understand. Well actually I didn't say this at that time b'coz I got this "revelation" only about a week after that.
In the book of Job (a man who suffered BIG time despite having been a righteous person) in the Bible, Job was, suffering from the loss of family, possessions, and he had a terrible skin disease.

His friends visited him, and tried to comfort him, but they were too eager to provide answers to Job's questions about God and justice. They ended up accusing Job of some kind of sins.

Job was pissed, of course, and his sorrow was only aggravated.

In the end, God himself appeared to restore Job, and he also told Job's friends that their way of "comforting" Job wasn't right.

Recently I was trying to comfort a friend who encountered some problems. At that time we were about to go home and I was actually like dunno what to say. In the end I said some really stupid things that... oh well, never mind that.

In the end, I just wish that in the future, I can try not to offer "superficial" comfort by finding words to say. If I dunno what to say, I'll just listen.