overly romanticised version of life

images by onionhead, RebzxJonasxMoseley

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Music Pleeeeeeeese!

OK the hub is the computer room facing the Sports Complex.
And I'm in the hub using comp.

And they're having mass dance in the Sports Complex.

Damnit! Why am I not dancin' out there? I'm itching all over.
Weary, but still yearning for a dance. What the heck?

Anyway, there's another student using com in the hub, and when they're dancing Speedy Gonzales, when they reached the part where we kick someone in a circle we formed, I wanted to see how the year ones did it, and so I approached the window.

And so did the other student.

Haha.. we both laughed...

Music's over by the time I slowly typed till the end of my entry, so here I am, saying
"Ah... the good old days" again...
