overly romanticised version of life

images by onionhead, RebzxJonasxMoseley

Friday, January 14, 2005


Haha today was not particularly exciting but I had my share of fun.

Arrived in school only to realize that I forgot today got Chem lecture test.
Oh crAp!

First 2 lessons are tutorials.
The relaxing Physics and the free-to-talk GP.
Then, break.

Then, free period for all students who aren't studying mother tongue.
That's where all the fun started.

Originally me and Maoxin decided to go Library study.
Then Kaicheng joined us and since Kaicheng has the key to
robotics room, we went there to study lor.

Haha... went in there then Kai and Maoxin told me about PW's bus encounter
(and PW is NOT project work!)

So funny, I almost laughed my intestines out.

Then Joe came.
And we generated more crap.
Den we studied for Chem test.

I decided that there's no time for studying benzene, so focused on Alkanes/Alkenes.

Then came the time for the test.
Oh crAp!

The Qns are about benzene (as I feared) and the Ionic equilibrium Qn was not too impressive either.

n days later, Ms Fong will give us back the test papers, and she'll be like
"People... why your results lidat one?"
