overly romanticised version of life

images by onionhead, RebzxJonasxMoseley

Thursday, January 13, 2005


Well, yesterday I was supposed to present my "backpackers' hostel website", my coursework assignment.
I did.

They said its layout was too childish (and I really have to admit that after seeing those of my classmates!)

So we all are supposed to touch up on our "websites today".

Haha... had to redo my hostel's logo... and my attempts always ended up being too "childish".

You see, I used cartoon images from ppt clipart :P

Sigh... I tried to use the other hostel logos as a guide, but they all seemed to be able to achieve "Maturity" even when they're all cartoons too!

Shucks, I was a bit upset at that time, thinking,

"The mark scheme said that the layout has to be mature b'coz some may interpret the topic (About and Around Singapore) as information website! But mine is not!!! For my case, should I not use a more light-hearted approach?"

Sigh... marking schemes. Printed stuff.
They're dead. They don't provide solutions for every situation. Ugh!

So now, I have to do a cold and metallic "Hostel"! Hahahahahahaha!
