overly romanticised version of life

images by onionhead, RebzxJonasxMoseley

Monday, January 03, 2005

Today. first day as a JC year 2 student! wasn't so eventful after all... but then again, it was.
Had a look at the new timetable and it's shiok! It wasn't as hectic as I feared it to be, and was even less so than my timetable last year! Woohoo!

We're supposed to go only for the lectures for this whole week, so my class and I slacked for 4 periods in the morning, playing tai ti in the canteen until 10:30 am b4 the first lecture starts.

2 lectures gone by, with the second being a physics lecture test
(we're informed last year but I forgot :p), but the test was.....okay.

After that, and another computing lesson, I'm dismissed, and so here I am, blogging at 1:35 pm!

P.S. Okay I know ir's a wierd bloging time, but you see, my internet @ home in DAMN slow so I might as well blog in college.
