overly romanticised version of life

images by onionhead, RebzxJonasxMoseley

Thursday, January 27, 2005

"They will run and not be weary..."

Since last year, I'd been thinking of going for regular jogging to train my stamina, but I didn't have the determination to do it.
Yesterday, I finally started my very first practice run. Woohoo!

So I changed into my tee shirt and shorts and started jogging from the small gate of my college, planning to go around Upper East Coast Road (the route we usually run during PE lessons) and then back to College.
On the way I seemed to be more relaxed than during my usual PE lessons, probably b'coz there wasn't anyone else running with me.

I managed to complete the run., and after that I went back to college to have a shower. After the shower, however, I came out of the Gents in my College shirt (the Uniform shirt) and my running shorts (I didn't want to wear my long pants yet). It was later when I realized I would look funny in it.

Too late, I was alrd walking towards the canteen. One of the student councillors saw me and she was like... suppressing her laughter? lol.

Yesterday evening, the moon was big, round and yellow! I mean... normally we see the moon as whitish rite? When it's yellow, it has a kind of mystical air around it... hmm...

After that I went to Yoshinoya with my mom. The beef bowl rice was... sugoku oishi katta desu! Oh, I mean it was very delicious!