overly romanticised version of life
images by onionhead, RebzxJonasxMoseley
Monday, January 31, 2005
Today, and some thots.
The benzoyl chloride was really irritating to the eyes. (should have put on goggles...)
In the end, me and my partner Sean managed to go thru the whole process, but got very little crystals. Sigh...
Then break. Then 2 lectures.
During Physics lecture (the 1st one), I fell asleep :P.
Sigh... last year I was thinking that Physics was easier than Chem. Now it's the opposite, b'coz I'm starting to love organic chem and at the same time, starting to dislike electricity-related topics. Sigh... fickle me.
Sunday, January 30, 2005
A happening weekend.
Haha... of course, I brought some money to play at the arcade! $3, to be exact.
So I played Time Crisis 3(nice game!) and managed to defeat the airplane boss(1st one) this time round! In the past I always couldn't get past the stage with $3, you see... ...
Then I played Star Wars Pod-racing (I used my mom's money. $1. Got scolded by her. Better not do that in the future. OK anyway,) and got 2nd place! Grrrr... In the past I always could get 1st, yesterday dunno why lost touch alrd... sian...
Haha this morning went for a College-wide old clothes and newspaper collection programme with my Civics Group. I was preparing for a tiring day.
And it sure was!
At 8:30 in the morning we set off from College and went to the area near Bedok interchange... Kampong Chai Chee, I think. Ms Fong so nice... she came with us instead of going for the 'Surf and Sweat' competition with her bf. (It was later when I realized it was partly b'cos her bf was overseas anyway... :p)
And, as expected, we got a lot of surprises in store for us.
I didn't know whether to call ourselves efficient, but we did have a 'bumper harvest' and had a good(?!) time moving the newspapers and clothes and whatever. In the later part of the activity me and Mavis actually came across a household with SO much stuff that we had to bring them back to the pick-up point straight away!
Hafiz had a lot of surprise findings. First it was a used baby pram (which proved to be quite useful as it could be used to transport our bags around). Later it was a brand new packet of toilet rolls! LOL.
It was quite an experience for me. More fun than the old stuff collection I had when I was in Sec school.
So long!
Thursday, January 27, 2005
"They will run and not be weary..."
Yesterday, I finally started my very first practice run. Woohoo!
So I changed into my tee shirt and shorts and started jogging from the small gate of my college, planning to go around Upper East Coast Road (the route we usually run during PE lessons) and then back to College.
On the way I seemed to be more relaxed than during my usual PE lessons, probably b'coz there wasn't anyone else running with me.
I managed to complete the run., and after that I went back to college to have a shower. After the shower, however, I came out of the Gents in my College shirt (the Uniform shirt) and my running shorts (I didn't want to wear my long pants yet). It was later when I realized I would look funny in it.
Too late, I was alrd walking towards the canteen. One of the student councillors saw me and she was like... suppressing her laughter? lol.
Yesterday evening, the moon was big, round and yellow! I mean... normally we see the moon as whitish rite? When it's yellow, it has a kind of mystical air around it... hmm...
After that I went to Yoshinoya with my mom. The beef bowl rice was... sugoku oishi katta desu! Oh, I mean it was very delicious!
Wednesday, January 26, 2005
What's new?
Heh... well yesterday afternoon went for the weekly electone lesson... my mom didn't feel so well so I went alone. Sigh I thot I would play my songs badly 'coz I didn't really practise but then my performance was still OK. Haha... I picked up the Winter Sonata song pretty quickly... in less than a week! Ha.
Then I joined my mom for dinner at the food court (as usual). What was "unusual" was that the newly opened western food stall has a promotion going on, so I actually had a very sumptuous dinner (Black pepper chicken spagetti plus soup!) for just 3 dollars plus! Thank God!
Now for today. This morning went as usual... 2 lectures. Then came the break.
Well, actually after Kelvin asked me to put some photos in my blog, I considered my options. I then decided to scan some past class photos and some of my funny close-up shots.
It was during this break that I went to the Hub to scan my pics. As it turned out, the computer in the hub was damn slow (as with all the other comps in the Hub) and I could not even finish scanning one photo after the break (I had about 10 minutes time).
Why? B'cos while I was almost done with one pic, the Photoshop hanged and I couldn't save it.
Ghrrrrrr... ... Rarrrgh!
Well, I'll just need more time to scan all of them and put 'em here.
Later still got IT club meeting to prepare for members Orientation. The Orientation, which was supposed to be held this Thursday (27/2/2005) had to be postponed to a week later because the results of the CCA allocation will only be out on this Friday.
Which gives us even more time to prepare. Haha.
P.S. could this be my longest entry so far?
Tuesday, January 25, 2005
Comforting others? Tryin' to give answers?
Recently during Bible study, we discussed about our feelings towards the tsunami incident. Then we came to the most profound question of all.
Well, some of us naturally said things like human pride and some other kinds of sins and whateva reason we could come up with.
My opinion, however, was that we should not try to explain things we don't quite understand. Well actually I didn't say this at that time b'coz I got this "revelation" only about a week after that.
In the book of Job (a man who suffered BIG time despite having been a righteous person) in the Bible, Job was, suffering from the loss of family, possessions, and he had a terrible skin disease.
His friends visited him, and tried to comfort him, but they were too eager to provide answers to Job's questions about God and justice. They ended up accusing Job of some kind of sins.
Job was pissed, of course, and his sorrow was only aggravated.
In the end, God himself appeared to restore Job, and he also told Job's friends that their way of "comforting" Job wasn't right.
Recently I was trying to comfort a friend who encountered some problems. At that time we were about to go home and I was actually like dunno what to say. In the end I said some really stupid things that... oh well, never mind that.
In the end, I just wish that in the future, I can try not to offer "superficial" comfort by finding words to say. If I dunno what to say, I'll just listen.
Thursday, January 20, 2005
Well, our College motto is "Broaden minds, Touch hearts, Change lives"
The marquee had no space to contain all the letters, so in the end when it arrived at the end of the message, What's left was:
" ouch hearts, change lives. "
Sigh... during the double free period I wanted to go behind audi for quiet time, but then when I got there, I lied down and fell asleep! Shucks!
Anyway, later in the day I finally managed to complete my online registration for NS deferment, and arranged the date for medical checkup. Sometime in March.
After computing lesson, I changed the top of the sidebar (my profile part) .
Then my IT Club comrades came to Comp Science Lab to mug for SPA. All of us then decided to go club room to mug.
I was there when I found Mack V's blog. Haha.
Then I borrowed SPA notes from Benson and started making summary of it. (I haven't studied SPA until that moment.)
And there's only 30 mins left before SPA.
Thank God, the whole SPA was pretty OK and I think I won't fail.
That's all I can say for now. Bye.
Wednesday, January 19, 2005
Ha. The driver told us his younger sister is teaching math in TJC.
Her name's Tay Siew Kheng.
Hmm... who is...
Oh, Mrs Leong! My math tutor lah! Haha...
Later during electone lesson, my teacher taught me a song from Winter Sonata.
(I really love the theme song, but that's alrd taken by my mum sobx...)
Haha but I learnt the song called "Only you" (not the English one).
You know... the one usually played halfway during the drama... without lyrics one... ah that one lah!
Heh, quite nice and also, relatively easy for me (smirks) .
Every year there's always an Electone score I found which would really excite me.
Last year was the "Mission Impossible" theme song. Really nice arh, I tell you what.
Tried to do push-ups last night, but my muscles were still aching from the previous day's PE lesson. Argh!
Bye ppl.
Monday, January 17, 2005
Challenge your trust
Some of my frens say that the ppl are merely competing over which country will donate the most money.
There are also many movie stars in HK and other celebs who donated money too, and ppl say they're tryin' to improve their reputation.
Well, I just think, there isn't any harm to look on the bright side of things and trust more in human kindness.
I recently read a Christian book called "Enemies in smiling faces".
One of the "enemies" mentioned is the tendency to "depreciate the image of God".
This chapter stated that it's not good to be skeptic about human kindness 'coz all humans are made in the image of God.
Doesn't mean that we lower our defenses against potential backstabbers, but we can at least have more hope in the society at large.
Friday, January 14, 2005
Arrived in school only to realize that I forgot today got Chem lecture test.
Oh crAp!
First 2 lessons are tutorials.
The relaxing Physics and the free-to-talk GP.
Then, break.
Then, free period for all students who aren't studying mother tongue.
That's where all the fun started.
Originally me and Maoxin decided to go Library study.
Then Kaicheng joined us and since Kaicheng has the key to
robotics room, we went there to study lor.
Haha... went in there then Kai and Maoxin told me about PW's bus encounter
(and PW is NOT project work!)
So funny, I almost laughed my intestines out.
Then Joe came.
And we generated more crap.
Den we studied for Chem test.
I decided that there's no time for studying benzene, so focused on Alkanes/Alkenes.
Then came the time for the test.
Oh crAp!
The Qns are about benzene (as I feared) and the Ionic equilibrium Qn was not too impressive either.
n days later, Ms Fong will give us back the test papers, and she'll be like
"People... why your results lidat one?"
I saw bodies. Some heavily scarred, some completely irrecognizable.
One picture showed a heap of flesh with a multilated hand
and a heap of intestines beside it.
Thank God I didn't have nightmares.
And I WON"T publish those pics here.
Once again (after the Tsunami) , I realized how fragile life is.
Nothing in the world really lasts forever.
It's useless trying to guard anything we have. The only secure thing we can
hold on to is our relationships with God and other ppl, and
the salvation God offers, which leads us to eternal life.
Else, we have nothing.
Absolutely nothing.
Thursday, January 13, 2005
funny pics i stumbled across on the web. Click on the hyperlinks to view.
I think the first one is most funny!
I did.
They said its layout was too childish (and I really have to admit that after seeing those of my classmates!)
So we all are supposed to touch up on our "websites today".
Haha... had to redo my hostel's logo... and my attempts always ended up being too "childish".
You see, I used cartoon images from ppt clipart :P
Sigh... I tried to use the other hostel logos as a guide, but they all seemed to be able to achieve "Maturity" even when they're all cartoons too!
Shucks, I was a bit upset at that time, thinking,
"The mark scheme said that the layout has to be mature b'coz some may interpret the topic (About and Around Singapore) as information website! But mine is not!!! For my case, should I not use a more light-hearted approach?"
Sigh... marking schemes. Printed stuff.
They're dead. They don't provide solutions for every situation. Ugh!
So now, I have to do a cold and metallic "Hostel"! Hahahahahahaha!
Wednesday, January 12, 2005
I've found 'em!
Later decided to go explore blogs, then came across Zhanting's blog (OK I know I dunno him too well but ANYWAY,) I found links to some of my sec 4 classmates, and I added the links to their blogs to my frens' links list.
Also I arranged that links list in alphabtetical order, manually.
In html, I mean.
Gotta go do my chem tutorialz alrd. Sayonara!
Tuesday, January 11, 2005
Fear the new generation!
WhenI saw one of them I recognize (he was from AHS and is also called Weiquan), I resisted the temptation to tell my computing tutor that there's also a Weiquan in Yr 1 cohort!
Haha let him find out by himself.
This morning went to canteen, and I was greeted by a horrifying sight.
Lots of Yr 1's (in their orientation mood) already mugging in groups, filling the whole canteen!
Wah lau eh, what the heck?!
I think the year 1 batch this year is the real "promising"batch!
Monday, January 10, 2005
Weekend rantingz
Read a book recommended by Jiansheng-- "Heaven Is So Real".
It talks about the heavenly Kingdom Jesus prepared for children who believe in heaven and
are ready for it. It also talks about the doom of unbelievers in hell.
Watched Kung Fu Hustle on Saturday, and found it quite entertaining, except that I couldn't quite catch everything, and towards the end, I was still thinking whether the story had really
Loved the story behind the lollipop, though.
Sunday--not very eventful.
Watched the Renci Show at night.
Ming Yi Fa Shi's stunt was, well compared to last year's ice dip, not so impressive.
What really got me freaked out was Kym Ng's stunt-- she had to performed while
hung upside down... ... and when I saw all the veins on her head... ugh.
And some more, in the end she was whirled around by Mark Lee.
She must have been really dizzy.
Friday, January 07, 2005
CCA Exhibition.
And we ITC members really demo'ed our potential in generating crap.
We started talking about Santas and Legolases, and I added "blogs" into the discussion scope. Soon we have Santa's blog, Legolas shooting Santa... whatever.
After that, the CCA exhibition started.
Andit came to pass, when I saw Tim, my SV co-ordinator, I was assigned some SV pamphlets to distribute, along with the ITClub sweets (yeah, SWEETS!) I was suppoed to give out.
Was wondering, do I spot Christians to give pamphlets to?
Haha...then I decided to just give whenever I feel (Haha my feelings very accurate meh?) like it. Later I saw some AHS graduates I knew to be Christians, ppl like Guangfeng, Shiyun, and Elicia, so I gave it to them lah.
4:30 pm, mass dance. I was DAMN excited bout it, but then rite, after Heartsdale and Larger, the SC wanted to do "Let's get retarded", which I knew nothing about.
And they're determined to let the yr 1's do this dance, so the on-the-spot "training session" began. Sianz... ...
But then I got to know a yr 1 guy from Dunman High School. Talked to him a lot about JC life as a year 1, but then besides knowing his surname was also Wang, I forgot to ask for his name!
If the above mentioned guy reads my blog (I gave him the url), may he leave his name in the tagboard.
The only set of steps I could do in the end was the "Chirag step". I suppose they name it after Chirag (a Councillor) b'coz he could do the step very well, but then it didn't seem too difficult anyway.
Talking about CCA, I really feel that it is the thing that shapes our lives more than the curriculum.
For example, I never knew how web forums are like until I became a moderator in TJC online forums.
Thursday, January 06, 2005
W.A.R. !
Usually I chose those very lousy heroes, and screw it up.
This time, my hero actually not bad, it's a beetle-like creatyre called Scarab'nm, who looks something like this.

Didn't realize the potential of the Engineer until Jacky used it, and Damnit! The engineer, with lotsa money, can build "super weapons" like the devastator.

Impressive, are they not?
Sigh... ... fared badly in the game... ...
Wednesday, January 05, 2005
Music Pleeeeeeeese!
And I'm in the hub using comp.
And they're having mass dance in the Sports Complex.
Damnit! Why am I not dancin' out there? I'm itching all over.
Weary, but still yearning for a dance. What the heck?
Anyway, there's another student using com in the hub, and when they're dancing Speedy Gonzales, when they reached the part where we kick someone in a circle we formed, I wanted to see how the year ones did it, and so I approached the window.
And so did the other student.
Haha.. we both laughed...
Music's over by the time I slowly typed till the end of my entry, so here I am, saying
"Ah... the good old days" again...
"What happen?"
Suddenly my ITC mates asked me about "All Your Base Are Belong To Us"... ... well, that's b'coz my nick I use in LAN games is "AllYourBase".
Then those guys went to search for that AYBABTU video and we all just watched and mocked at the poor translations and everything. Haha.
Then after some more "club-bonding" sessions, we went to help change the PCs in the library form Compaq to Dell (and about time too!). And yes, it's us. Haha... the Dell PCs were the old ones in the level 2 CompScience Lab, so I expected to see mine after we moved all of them to the library. Surely, I did. And I saw the DHS gal again.
After I got one of the Comps up, I came to my blog again to see if anything new happened to it. What I saw pissed me off.
Argh, then I went to my dashboard and published my files once more, then I could see the above mentioned entry again.
But what if the same thing happens? How then can I trust the service?
Trust God lah... what trust the service...?
Sigh... gotta do my ITC poster later...
Went to read xiaxue's blog (as recommended by dear Kelvin), and... yeah, I'm a Christian, so dun need any more elaboration about how I felt.
But really, I'm not that kind that would call unbelievers as "not worthy of being my fren", like she said her fren did. Sigh... why she dun like City Harvest?
Anyway, I'm gonna be back to my work and can only pray that the problem with my blog be solved.
Listening to the mass dance music blaring outside, I realised once again that I've changed.
Big time. Became older, wearier.
So with a weary sigh, farewell.
Yesterday and today.
When I'm practicing myself, I got most of the stuff right.
When I play before my teacher, I got most of the stuff wrong.
Sigh... ... always got nervous when playing for others... ...
After that, went foodcourt and had beef organs soup for dinner. Oishi katta desu!
Wah...dunno why, when I go my blog I can't see the posts I made yesterday...
(and I did publish'em.) but when I go blogspot dashboard and "view blog" from there, I got the updated version.
Sigh...so I must not add "www" in my url. Only http://wangweiquan.blogspot.com .......
must watch out.
Finished my lectures for the day(today was the first 2 periods) and in the ITC room
for the just-finished meeting. Sigh... can see the year 1's from here. Oh, the Orientation days.....
Tuesday, January 04, 2005
A more eventful "Today".
Straight after assembly, I went with my IT Club mates to club room to slack, right until 11:15 a.m.! haha did lotsa stuff there, and had lotsa fun on the comp.
(Of course, with the com and the net, there're limitless possibilities!)
Hideout Updates
-Added the "credits" feature to my sidebar.
-Added a website to my "cool links"!
Then after that, went for Chem lecture, the ONLY lecture I have to attend today.
Haha Mr Goh damn funny today......
"We are going too fast. Let's go faster K?" ... ... What the heck?
Learnt a new chemical compound... ... Sodium potassium tartrate.
It's full name is "sodium potassium 2,3-dihydroxybutanedioate"
and its structure is something like this:

I think the formula is easier to remember than the name lor!
haha....until I have more news, bye.
Monday, January 03, 2005
Yet another improvement in my dear old hideout.
However I could not find a way to do it.
Haha...went looking for new blog skins at around 2 pm and found a "fruit basket" skin.
Why so happy? B'coz it has a dropdown list for links!
It's a dream come true isn't it? So I copied the source code, pasted it here, and here goes!
New "links" lists!
A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but 2 can stand back-to-back and conquer. 3 are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken.
The tsunami crisis, though devestating, brought the world closer together.
Movie stars donated to the rescue missions. TV stations encouraged the people in doing so. People from the other side of the planet are concerned about the victims too, from what I saw on the internet.
My church did its part too.
Really heart warming, the unity is.
Also, with the media merger, I saw a different channel U(I seldom watch channel 8 now). Adverts of channel 8 shows appear frequently on U, and artises from both channels are featured in the coming Renci Charity show.
When I first saw the adverts of the charity show in NTUC fairprice, when I saw both sides coming together, I almost found it hard to leave the TV screen; I was waiting to see more of those adverts.
I got so used to the previous competition between U and 8 that the effects of the merger actually surprised me. What the heck?
But still, thank God the competition is over now.
Hmmm....today wasn't so eventful after all... but then again, it was.
Had a look at the new timetable and it's like....so shiok! It wasn't as hectic as I feared it to be, and was even less so than my timetable last year! Woohoo!
We're supposed to go only for the lectures for this whole week, so my class and I slacked for 4 periods in the morning, playing tai ti in the canteen until 10:30 am b4 the first lecture starts.
2 lectures gone by, with the second being a physics lecture test
(we're informed last year but I forgot :p), but the test was.....okay.
After that, and another computing lesson, I'm dismissed, and so here I am, blogging at 1:35 pm!
P.S. Okay I know ir's a wierd bloging time, but you see, my internet @ home in DAMN slow so I might as well blog in college.