overly romanticised version of life

images by onionhead, RebzxJonasxMoseley

Thursday, March 31, 2005

No swimming today.

For me only.

Because, yesterday I had a fever and this morning the fever has not recovered yet. What's most mystifying is that when I measured my temperature using a thermometer, I got 36.9 degrees Celcius. Isn't it the optimum body temperature?

Hmm... mystifying...

So, I sat beside the pool watching my friends having all the fun. Haha.

During Chemistry tutorial, Ms Fong told the girls to stand at the back of the classroom because they were late for lesson (it was right after the break after swimming, so it took some time to walk from the swimming complex to College...).

Then it was Math tutorial, during which Mrs Leong told us a shocking fact -- that Discrete Random variables is a topic which is easy to score in the A levels! I mean, after going through n lectures on this topic, I didn't even have a clue what's going on! And she said it's easy?!


Then I went behind Auditorium and slept there for 2 periods (free periods, of course!).

Following that was GP tutorial, and we watched an episode of "Get Real" for today. The topic was on a few ex-convicts and how they find a new lease of life after their release from prison. All of them were repeating offenders who decided to change their lives once and for all.

Sigh... talked to MX about the Criminal Record system... I was a bit uncomfortable thinking that ex-convicts would have their past offences disclosed to companies, and the companies would have to decide whether to employ the ex-convict or not. MX's response was that the companies have the right to know. Otherwise, what if an employee's past offences was discovered just before he's going to be promoted?

That's reality. People have the right to know, and they have the right to say "No". What ex-convicts really need is acceptance. I feel that the motto of the Yellow Ribbon movement is very appropriate -- "Release them from the 2nd prison".

For the employment issue, companies still have to consider meritocracy and hence they cannot be biased towards ex-convicts as well. And vacancies are limited. The good thing is that the "acceptance" they need is not just the willingness of companies to employ them. It is also the love and friendship that we can offer to them. The capacity to love is definitely greater than the number of vacancies in companies, right?