overly romanticised version of life

images by onionhead, RebzxJonasxMoseley

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Something new!!

Today I'm honoured (Yeah right!) to invite my friend and fellow blogger, Keon!

Hi friends of WQ, this is Keon, your guest blogger for the post. Make some noise!!!!!

Well, life isn't all about blogging the blog or walking the walk. It's about being invited(or rather, inviting oneself) as guest blogger. WQ has left to view.. in the process allowing the rou lin of his little space online.

Well, maybe you'd like to learn who this rude intruder is.

Keon is WQ's friend. He often gets pulled aside by females who mistake him for Jay. This gets him pretty infuriated coz what he looks like is Edison Chen. He has a never ending supply of fancy chocolates from adoring fans, which goes into WQ's duodenum.

Fine, I know you want to kick me by now. Actually I'm pretty bored. WQ just won't share his good stuff with me.. HAH!

This is pretty inpromtu. So I have think of a way to hold your attention. Show you my face then, in case you really decide to kick my ass.

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Ok, WQ has to go. He's just playing LF2.. Not what you think lah.

Hope you've had as much fun as I did. Until next time!

Keon. Out.