overly romanticised version of life

images by onionhead, RebzxJonasxMoseley

Saturday, March 19, 2005


Yes I did return to AHS in the evening.

This time, while they were having dinner, I followed WR back to HO room and we were playing the drum there quite madly (Oops!) when Mr Chen (I didn't know he's one of our teacher in charge) came and told us he'd be there to help us lock the room at 8pm. It seems that the last people who lock up the CCA rooms for the day have to be teachers in-charge.

There's something I have to apologize for. Shi and Jiemin approached me and asked for the year AHS HO was set up. Of course I knew. Later they said they're going to ask this question and award a point to whichever group that could answer. Impulsively I went back to WR's clan and told WR about it.

So I did tell him. The only way I could make up for it was to ask him not to answer that question. Sorry.

Then I joined them for the skits presentation. Each clan had to come up with its own skit with the theme as "Bond". Lots of funny stuff, they put up.

First was Keli's clan which did a skit about "bonding" as in... erm... Lesbian cliques. Hmm.

Then it was Sok's clan that did a skit about "What's bond?". Haha they had "bond" as in Chemistry, the violin group BOND, and... "bon bon". Finally the skit ended with the "bond" which exist in CCA groups like... HO! (applause)

Then it was Wenjun's clan and Wenjun played the role of James Bond! A bit no-link, but... whatever. After killing his enemies (in quite an un-elegant fashion), James Bond "bonded" with a "sexy girl" (played by the portrait on their clan flag). It was the last line, "Bond wan le, zhen shuang" that made me ROFLMAO.

Lastly it was Wenrong's clan. They did a skit about 2 cliques "bonding" together to make a fool of their teacher (Yep, you guessed it, it's played by WR) on April Fool's day. WR's "teacher" role was quite a bit... erm, comical, and he was drenched by his "students" near the end of the show. Wow.

Then we were asked to go to the concourse for a "sharing session". Each of us were given a lightstick, and we sat in a circle. The one who wanted to share would put his/her lightstick in the center of the circle before sharing.

The session turned out to be quite emotional, as many brought up the problem that our CCA was looked down upon by fellow AHS students. Even the school was considering winding up HO, given our lack of "achievements" in recent competitions. Some had friends who actually thought there was no Harmonica Orchestra in AHS in the first place.

I was of course upset to hear that the school was actually thinking of closing the Orchestra. I mean, do they have the right to decide for us huh?!

HO people who are reading this, I just wanna say again that you all are really the most united batch I've seen. You all are taking a step upward in terms of group unity, so don't be deterred by what the authorities say. They have no right to decide for us the existence of our Orchestra. Buck up for the coming SYF, but most importantly, no matter what result you all will get, HO is still HO.