overly romanticised version of life

images by onionhead, RebzxJonasxMoseley

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

No-bell Prize

The bell system in TJC broke down since this Monday, so our lessons often drag on beyond the due time. Our breaks suffer the most, of course.

So this morning's Maths lesson ate into our break for, like, ten minutes. It was supposed to be GP tutorial after that, at 9 am. Before that I was spending time at the computer lab watching Pasonia play games until 9:02 am (according to my watch).
And my GP tutor is very particular about punctuality.

So, I went there, expecting to be rebuked again. However, when I entered the classroom, I found only 4 guys inside there, and the teacher wasn't there. I was thinking, "Gosh, don't tell me the lack of bells caused even my GP tutor to arrive late?" It was not the case. I found out later that my tutor was having a course, so she couldn't come for the lesson.

Anyway, since the tutor was absent, I might as well follow my group to the library to finish the GP assignment about... Gender differences. we agreed that we shouldn't talk about no-link stuff, but in the end even after we digressed, we also tried to find a "link" to whatever concerns gender, like when my friend was looking at girls, we also said something like... "Males pay more attention to such stuff". Lol.

During the Physics lesson in the afternoon, Mr Desai dragged the lesson until 12:50 (it was supposed to end at 12:45), so when it was 12:49, I set my watch alarm to 12:50 and let it sound. It worked.

During Computing lesson... I don't even want to talk about it now. But that's the truth about being a programmer. You have to produce what THEY want, not what you think is right.


I thank God I went for the HO camp instead of spending time on my computing project last Friday. Otherwise the results would be the same anyway.

During the chemistry tutorial, I tried the same watch alarm trick on Ms Fong again. It wasn't so effective, so what I could do was to set the alarm to the next minute with the passing of every minute, so my watch's alarm sounded every minute from 2:15 pm right up to 2:19 pm.

Finally, it worked.

Heard about a blogging competition from my IT Club friends.

OK I know my blog won't win, but... why should I not give it a try?