overly romanticised version of life

images by onionhead, RebzxJonasxMoseley

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Crash Course on the last few days.

On Saturday, I went to Eastpoint with mom again (we'll go there weekly, I think) and realized that Fei Yu Qing will have an autograph session there at 7pm. So we got to see him in person! Lol.

On Sunday, I reformatted my computer again. It seemed that I grew to love reformatting computers. OK I'm crapping. The good thing was that I could finally install my Visual C++ compiler, so that means I can do my programming at home again! Woohoo!

On Monday, I went to College for IT Club meeting. I thought it was 8:30 am, so when it was 8:20 and no one was at the College, I was about to go off.

That was when Junqun came and showed me the pictures of Lego Star Wars PC game. Looks pretty cool, except that it only covers the prequel(Episodes 1,2 and 3) era. Junqun told me the meeting was at 9am, and I was relieved to hear that.

We moved a lot of computers from Club room, CS lab, etc. Lots of locations. Up to Computer lab 3 (Level 3) for the coming I-skills video editing workshop. Did it all the way until 12 pm.

Then I went with the ITC dudes for lunch, and I continued on my TIKAM game project. Finished all the basic tables already. The hard part comes as I'm gonna do all the "live" parts of the game now, including a turning wheel.

On Tuesday (which was, yeaterday) I went to TM with my mom to buy a (get this!) handphone! Mom said that since she decided to start teaching Electone she had to get a handphone so that she'll be more contactable. I wanted a handphone too, but she had 101 excuses for not letting me own one until NS. We almost quarrelled over that. Later it was decided that she would buy the phone first (As usual, the adults win). So we got a Sony Ericsson T630 phone for $0 under the 2-year plan. Ha, it was a camera phone!

Nevertheless, I can at least use a handphone to contact my friends now. As the phone was registered under my name (so that we could get the student plan), we now have 700 free SMSes and the 3 "SunTalk" numbers -- M1 numbers which I can call for free in the first 6 months!

Today I won't be blogging any further because I'm gonna work hard on my computing project. 4 days left.