overly romanticised version of life

images by onionhead, RebzxJonasxMoseley

Sunday, March 06, 2005

Seeing things (and people)

Yeah. After the visit to the Old Folks' Home (which was disaster for me), and after leaving the College just before the Gamma house function started, I went to Century Square to have dinner with my mum.

In late evening that day, while waiting for a cab, my mum and I actually got to watch the Chingay floats pass by the main road... some of them looked quite comical, but then again, it was truly a sight to behold.

Yesterday evening I was at Eastpoint (Yep, you guessed it -- dinner with mum again. When I went to toilet, I saw a guy who rushed into the toilet and started washing his hair frantically. Upon further inspection, the guy turned out to be none other than...


Lol... I then asked him about stuff happening in HO and he asked me about any of the games I've been playing recently (this resulted from all the games talk I had with him in the olden days)... but I've had no time for games nowadays, except for my age-old Star Wars flight-sim games...

Oh yeah, Wenrong, if you still have not view the score for bei ban qiu yet, I'll put up the link again.

Click here for the score!

Also, yesterday I finally saw someone reach the 3rd stage in Time Crisis 3 -- the stage where you battle the boss (Georgio Zott). I had always wondered why he was using a sword besides his machine gun (I almost thought he was gonna use it to deflect bullets!), but the sword was just another thing to add to the "coolness" of the game. When you're firing away, Zott will suddenly spring at you and slash at you with the sword. Too bad the guy didn't manage to defeat the boss.