overly romanticised version of life

images by onionhead, RebzxJonasxMoseley

Monday, August 01, 2005

Nostalgic Sunday

My last weekend was quite eventful.

Firstly, I bought Order of the Phoenix on Friday, and so far I've reached about page 160. And Harry's still not at Hogwarts school yet.

I saw one of the comments about the HP series... saying that it's not so much about magic as it is about humanity... I agree. The part of the story that made me want to read on was my desire to see the Ministry of Magic finally acknowledge the fact that the dark lord Voldemort has returned to power and stop living in their own comfort zones.

I encountered the term "Squib" in "Tatooine Ghost"... Squibs are a species which are well known for their mercenary nature.

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A Squib, in the Star Wars context

In Order of the Phoenix, I saw the term "Squib" being used as well... I wonder what it means in the HP context...

On Sunday, while I was tidying up my room, I came across my Game Boy which I stashed away for a long time... and suddenly I was the nostalgic kid playing my... Pokemon Red.

I fought Giovanni in Saffron Silph buliding until I just got tired of it all and turned it off.

In the afternoon I discovered that some of my clothes in my wardrobe had this stinking substance on them... must have been mould...

I can't remember the smell now (thank God) but it was ... not nauseating enough, but it made me giddy.

I revised the first 3 chapters of my Computing topic, System Analysis and Design. That's the only academic thing I've done throughout my weekend.

I'm going to have a hard time catching up with my tutorials afterwards...

Anyway, this morning was my Chem diagnostic test on Chem Bonding... I could have gotten a higher score except that I fell for a tricky part of the question... got to read the instructions more clearly...

I couldn't resist the temptartion to give myself "half marks". but Ms Fong said clearly that half marks won't be awarded -- not even in the course of marking the paper.

Got to learn things the hard way, then.

I know some of the cohort haven't taken the test yet... so I can't talk much.

During the break in the morning, I had my breakfast with Kuan Rei and Kelvin, and we talked about religion.

There's always been a question on my mind... people keep criticising Christians for wanting their non-believing partners to convert. OK. How about Muslims? They make it a rule that non-believers must convert to Islam when they marry Muslims.

And nobody said a word about that. That's about how fair things are.

Had my first Physics diagnostic exercise during lecture today... and I'm quite confident of doing well... I'm picking up on my Physics now... I suppose. My weakest part had been electricity but now I'm OK with it.

I finally added in my Copy Constructor and Assignment Operators to my code during Computing coursework today. Much to my relief.

PE today was the same as the one last Monday... circuit training at the Dance Studio. The teacher placed benches and mattresses around the studio and you got a training ground!

My favourite part was the running part, of course.