overly romanticised version of life

images by onionhead, RebzxJonasxMoseley

Monday, August 08, 2005

Freaky day

Today, there was supposed to be National Day Celebrations at College, and so I arrived at College in my Bayern Munich jersey (red and white stripes!).

First thing was "See You At The Pole", a Campus Crusade event where we pray for the nation on a day near National Day (we couldn't do it near the pole, though, because of morning parade stuff).

After that was the morning parade, of course. I discovered at that time that for my class, only 4 guys turned up for the day. Including me.

The performance after the parade was pretty good... except that they couldn't play a video which I heard was pretty elaborately done. Poor guys... those who took the trouble to make the video, I mean.

An exchange student from China sang a Chinese song... as in a song which originated from China... one of those you have to sing at a high pitch... that type.

The Taiwanese exchange student's performance was much easier for me to describe. She sang and also played the piano accompaniment of Stefanie Sun's "Tee Orh Orh" (Sky Black Black).

After the performance ended, I joined a crowd made up mostly of Year One enthusiasts for mass dance. It felt like going back to the past for a moment.

And after everything, it wasn't even past 10 am!

So I went to IT Club room to hang out with the guys and played some Need For Speed... I think my racing skills have improved a bit. Yeah.

But after all the racing and watching them race, it was already way past 1 pm.

Had lunch. Went back to College and had a nap.

A nap which lasted for an unexpected 2 hours!

Oh no, my Organic Chemistry notes!!!

Before I end this post, this is a picture of the coloured-rice orchid picture the guys in my class made...

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