overly romanticised version of life

images by onionhead, RebzxJonasxMoseley

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Information overload

Yesterday I finally got to go for Electone lessons again, after a few weeks of absence (due to hectic schedules, Mum wanted me to stop going for lessons for a while), and it's nice playing on STAGEA again.

My Electone's MDR (the floppy disk drive used to store voice and rhythm data) broke down quite some time ago, and recently, Mum called for repairs, so we have our Electone at full working condition once more.

Which means, it's time for me to have more proper Electone practices at home.

All these years, I had been aspiring to write scores for some pop songs for leisure playing, but I didn't have the time... but I have a feeling I'm going to begin soon.

During Computing Coursework today, I'm finally through with the coding phase (after putting in copy constructors, assignment operators and all), and I started on doing screenshots and other relevant documentation for my program.

Had peer marking for GP today (for the essaye we wrote yesterday), and I realized that my essay was not so impressive after all.

During Physics today, we went through Non-viscous Fluid Flow and I learnt about this "spoiler" thing which we see jutting out of the back of some cars...

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The spoiler

Fast-flowing air will have low pressure, and during high-speed travel, air will usually flow more quickly above the car's top than under the car's bottom, so air pressure from under the car will be greater than that from the top, causing the car to lift off (and probably fiip over!).

Hence, the spoiler serves to slow down air flow above the top of the car.

Learnt from Esmond that local singer Shi Kang Jun was from Chung Cheng high.

And during Student Council dialogue today, It was announced that the cost for Graduation night will be $85 per person.

My goodness... now I have to wonder whether I'll get to go... I'm not that good at saving, you know... and I still have Arise and Build, Chronicles of Narnia, ROTS novelisation, etc...

But then again, if my close friends will not be going, I won't really want to go for it too.

Not that I have the outfit for such occasions.

I still remember the time when I turned up for Sec 4 grad night with a year 2000 National Day sling bag (I wouldn't say that it's the most fashionable thing to do you know) and... I wasn't really dressed for the occasion.

Besides, I'll have a ton of novels to read after A levels...