overly romanticised version of life

images by onionhead, RebzxJonasxMoseley

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

A break.

Phew... taking a breath here.

Now that my sumarries of my topics are all complete, it's time I memorise the stuff now...

I hear you ask "What? Haven't you been doing that for the past exams?"

No... but then, most of the June Common Tests only covered topics from this year, so it's time to refresh my memories of last year topics now.

Yesterday I finally realized the significance of the "equivalence point" in Ionic Equilibrium. I did a bit of Integration revision too, and the Area-Volume application of Integration.

Will do Vectors today. And Maybe Probability (the Venn Diagram part).

Yesterday, Someone borrowed my Initial D memory card and ran a few races which are too high for my level -- and won.

It's not a bad thing (since it boosted my experience points by a lot) but I feel uncomfortable... now I have a very high standard to shoot for, with the stamp on my card which shows that I "won" the Akina Snow Condition race...

Bless you.