overly romanticised version of life

images by onionhead, RebzxJonasxMoseley

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Farewell and Fitness Friday

Last Friday was quite an eventful day for me.

Firstly, I finally completed the website template for my friend's mother tongue school.

Secondly, the 6 of us computing students have finally completed the Computing Coursework, including the printing of source codes and screenshots of our programs.

When one does some big project, there's always this problem which will surface between the completion and submission phases... one will tend to make modifications here and there... just to make sure everything's all right... Kaicheng taught me the way to write double precision floating-point numbers to files, and so I managed to add in this feature at the last minute.

And it was with great reluctance that I submitted the file containing all the printed stuff to Mr Chua... one of the reasons was that it signified the conclusion of my journey with C++ programming.

Another reason was that I forgot to include the filename of my source codes in the printout... although it is easy to identify each source code by reading it, I still fear that the markers would penalise every slight error made.

Never mind... my source codes will fetch enough marks anyway. Heh.

Bye bye, C++...

After Computing (which was the last period for the day), I saw some of the guys from my class doing an Indian Coloured-rice picture (I think it's called Rangoli or something) of an orchid.

This coloured-rice-decoration cum chalk-graffiti activity was an innovative project organized by the Students' Council in conjunction with the coming National Day celebrations which wil take place next Monday.

When I saw them, they were almost done with the orchid picture, and I helped them even out the colours a bit.

After which I went to the new IT Club room for a try on Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit. Junqun and Ken could really "drift" (albeit at speeds ranging from only 30 to 40 kph), and I realized that I was a noob at drifting.

At 3 pm, I went for the NAPFA test with Junqun after the gaming break (with my leg still aching from the ordeal on Thursday), and managed to pass my stations except for Standing Broad jump (I only managed 200 cm) and Chin-up (my usual performance -- Zero).

I was surprised, however, that I could actually bend down and touch the ground with my fingertips (it's chickenfeed for some of you but it wasn't for me). I passed Sit-and-reach, by the way.

I mean "by~ the~ way~".

For shuttle run, I got the same timing in both of my attempts... 10.3 seconds. For 2.4 km run, I was happy to be able to finish in 12 minutes and 12 seconds, even though I couldn't help but envy those who managed 8 minutes.

At the end of everything, I realised that my aching leg didn't really affect much of my performance... except maybe in areas like shuttle run and Standing Broad Jump.

After my post-NAPFA refreshing shower, I was supposed to go the Suntec to run an errand for Mom, and since Kaicheng and Alex were also taking the MRT , I joined them for the trip. While waiting for the bus to the Interchange, Ms Fong came by as well, and asked about NAPFA and stuff.

After talking about my NAPFA results, she gave the usual smirk and encouraged me to take the retest, which will take place about 2 weeks later.

Well, if I can train for 5 chin-ups in 2 weeks...

Oh, and in the end, Ms Fong was also taking the MRT home, so she joined us.

As it turned out, I couldn't find the stuff that Mom wanted even at Carrefour... but I didn't leave Suntec empty-handed... I bought deodorant, a new pair of toe-socks and a new water bottle.

I guess the busyness could explain why I could only blog about Friday on Sunday.