overly romanticised version of life

images by onionhead, RebzxJonasxMoseley

Monday, May 16, 2005

Watch out!

Yesterday I finally completed the first question of my Computing Coursework. Yeah. Haven't tested it, though. I'm afraid of the moment when suddenly the compiler tells me that there are more than 100 errors in my program.

Today morning was Thermochem SPA! We sort of used this spirit lamp (runs on alcohol) which gives quite a nice flame. Haha. I remember Ms Fong saying that I only need to be assessed on Skill C this time, but I think I gave quite a lot of stuff for Skill D too. Generally I'm confident.

Not so for my tutorials, though. For one moment I thought I was fast in completing my tutorials, in another moment I was barely keeping up with the pace of the tutors.

And last weekend I forgot that Ms Fong would go through NMR today, so I didn't touch that topic at all.

My friend said that wearing the watch on the wrist of the writing hand would be very uncomfortable in times of writing, and I had to agree, so I tried wearing my watch on my left wrist today.

It's even less comfortable... I'm not suited to change, you see...

It's back on my right wrist again. Nah... I'l just take it off while writing.

There was no group PE today again. Same reason -- teachers had to support sports groups at tournaments.

At least they don't do all this stuff during swimming sessions (which are conducted in early morning anyway...). If they do, I'll...


...complain on Forums. Heh, the easy way out.

Notice I've changed my photo on the blog. That one was taken using my handphone. Oh, talking about handphone pics, here are more photos of my study room.

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My study area

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My Electone