overly romanticised version of life

images by onionhead, RebzxJonasxMoseley

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Lor Mee Chemistry

Today during lunch break, Poh Woon came to join us for lunch again, and we shared some common frustrations that are common among guys in BGR... sigh... in all kinds of relationships there are bound to be highs and lows... more than often I've been thinking that I was losing friends.

In my relationship with God there've been ups and downs as well, most of which was my fault, though...

In relationships there are bound to be frustrations but what matters is whether we want to stay on and walk to the end.

Oh, talk about relationships, I just feel that some of the guys in 10/04 will never get the attention of the class. I think I'm one of them.

... ... ...

Anyway, during Food Chemistry lecture today, the lecturer talked about starch as a thickening agent... how it gelatinises and retrogradation (the reverse of gelatinisation).

Basically it's water molecules being traped between starch chains and whatever stuff.

We were taught that stirring and other forms of agitation will cause retrogradation and whatever's sticky will become watery... it reminds me of eating lor mee, where the dark gravy will always become watery after I finished the noodles.

Talk about lor mee...

I recall eating what the stall called the "best lor mee in town". Firstly, when the lor mee was served, the dark gravy seemes to have undergone uneven gelatinisation (I learn fast OK?), causing sticky globules of starch to appear in the gravy. So I had to remove all those globules (a whole lot of them!) before the meal looked edible.

Stray globules kept emerging from the gravy while I was eating, and it turned me off big-time.

I vowed never to eat lor mee from that stall again.

Arrgh... I was listening to YES 933 on the Net... when it came to "The Moment" by Stef Sun (I like that song) the streaming had some problems... so it spoilt that song for me. Arrgh!

Anyway, I saw this caption competition on you'll understand.

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That's all.