overly romanticised version of life

images by onionhead, RebzxJonasxMoseley

Monday, May 09, 2005

Thou shalt Flash no more.

I have lots of stuff from a recent sermon I wanted to share, but I have to do it some other day.

Just for your information.

OK today was generally peaceful... you know, Chem practical, tutorials, lectures... same stuff. Except that during Physics lecture I slept again. I was awakened by a particularly loud Flash animation which the lecturer showed us to... sort of wake us up. Obviously it worked on me. Literally.

Oh, talk about Flash animation... no I'm not going to make your computer lag with another pointless animation.

In fact, I can't do animations that often now.

During Computing period, I realised a painful fact -- that the group of computers the year-two students use (you know... with all the personal user accounts...) caught some virus and had to be reformatted.

Not that the user accounts were gone for good. New accounts can be created and I did not store essential data on my computer anyway.

What's real bad was that since the web-design coursework was over, the reformatted computers need not have Flash MX installed. So now if I want to use Flash, I have to go use some other computer in thhe lab.

Doesn't sound that bad actually, but... you know, it's always better to have what you want in your personal computer right?

Anyway, I think Maoxin is a bit angry with me for not updating him on homeworks and new lecture topics during the time he was absent.

Sorry MX, I'm sure I'll be able to spot and meet the needs of my friends in the future.

There was no group PE today because the PE teachers were with the sports groups' tournaments. Hence I've got the time to actually blog today.

Oh, I chanced upon this section in MSN movies which covers tons of stuff about SW Ep.3. I also found a picture there which I was searching for ages!