overly romanticised version of life

images by onionhead, RebzxJonasxMoseley

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Fun with Physics

Well, I think this title looks is a bit "fosed.blogspot".

These days have been very tiring for me... I kept arriving at College feeling drowsy... this morning I collapsed at one of the canteen tables immediately after I put down my stuff.

And I woke up at around 7:21 am. To see Kelvin sitting before me.

We chatted lah... on and on until... "Shit! Ain't I supposed to go buy this week's issue of 8 days?"

It's like this: While I expected the issue for this week to be a Star Wars issue, I discovered yesterday evening that the SW issue came out last Thursday already!

OK I was slow...

So I got the issue lah. Yoda cover (one of the 4 covers...). Should have gotten the Leia one.

OK anyway, today during GP Mdm Lim briefed us on the Topic Sentence again... haha I know she's quite worried for most of us because of our essay topic sentences... we're not that good at it, according to "Cambridge standards".

To digress a bit, I sense some of my classmates doing some matchmaking for some one and someone else...

During Food Chem lecture today, we're taught about the structures of proteins.

You see, human hair is made of proteins, and the lecturer told us that at the rate out hair grows, 40 peptide (amide) bonds are generated per second for each strand of hair.

For those who don't have a clue of what's a peptide (amide) bond, it looks something like this...

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During Physics tutorial today, Mr Desai decided that since nobody volunteered to present their solutions, the class should call out people they wanted to "volunteer" up there. This led to a class-wide sabo-ing exercise... I was one of them, along with a few others including Joel, Yong Chuan etc.

This was the first time we were so hyper during a Physics tutorial.

After stopping for n weeks, I finally continued my jogging today! The rain just stopped when I started jogging, so... it was a quite cool weather, but it was not so good for my feet... I thought I could be careful not to step on puddles, but still I got my shoes all wet.

Never mind. I could still maintain my timing at about 16 minutes plus.

And I think I like Ocean's new song "Six-coloured rainbow".