overly romanticised version of life

images by onionhead, RebzxJonasxMoseley

Friday, October 14, 2005

Why do I keep leaving things out these days?


Why did I leave out the highly interesting Chemistry lecture when Ms Wong was telling us about transition metal complexes... she mentioned the "free" ions with such zest...

"...that ions are free, FREE!!"

...that she reminded us of some democratic firebrand giving an inspiring speech about freedom...


And why did I not mention the cool pen that Joel had... an Osim product... it had a battery-operated vibrating end which can be used for massages...

...and when you press it against the back of your head... you get the feeling of euphoria... Ooh...


Never mind. You heard it now.

Anyway, today I studied... Chem.


The topic of Periodic table studies... Period 3. Oxides and chlorides.

After which I passed by the Robotics Club booth (it's Open House, remember?) and helped him out with moving some stuff... and got seen by Mrs Leong, who thought we'd been helping out throughout the entire Open House...

Never mind... it was a great exercise.

And yes, Mrs Leong did realize that I only handed in Paper 2 of the Mock Exam...

Just finished my shower... feeling good all over again.

More Chem, please.

And here's a cute Pokemon for you.

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Spheal, the "spherical seal".