overly romanticised version of life

images by onionhead, RebzxJonasxMoseley

Tuesday, October 11, 2005


Got OWNED by the Maths Mock Exam paper 1.

Who to blame? I was doing my Inorganic Chem revision yesterday(which cheered me up a bit) but totally forgot about this Mock Exam.

As I was a "volunteer" candidate (not compulsory but just there to be extra), I didn't hand in my script in the end.

Didn't want to give Mrs Leong the shock of her life.

Mock Paper 2 comes 2 days later. Mrs Leong wants to see our Specimen Paper 2 tomorrow.

Right timing... can do homework and practise at the same time.

Like knocking out 2 Pidgeots with one Rock Slide attack.