overly romanticised version of life

images by onionhead, RebzxJonasxMoseley

Monday, October 31, 2005

Dirty Friday


Last Friday was Dirty Friday.

Kelvin asked me twice, during lunch, whether I've eaten shit before.

After lunch, we saw an old man peeing in the grass.

While buying dinner, I dropped my slice of papaya on the floor and to make things worse, it rolled under the tabletop (it's wrapped in plastic bag, fortunately). Thank God it didn't reach the black, shadowy and dusty region.

While eating my papaya later, I had to make sure not to touch the outer surface of my plastic bag.

Then, when I put aside my watch to have my meal, I accidentally put it on some highly viscous creamy liquid on the table which looked like spilled milk coffee which had been there for hours.

Dirty day, indeed.

OK. Thank you. Bye bye.