overly romanticised version of life

images by onionhead, RebzxJonasxMoseley

Thursday, October 06, 2005

A Skuruu Appu, in-DEED!

I got to know my grades for Prelims already.

DEED. For Maths, Computing, Chem and Physics respectively.

My AO Japanese Oral exam yesterday turned out quite erm... you can see from the title that it was quite a screw-up... I could memorise my script (I was to do a presentation of a topic of my choice) which was entitled "The Computer and I". The presentation was about how the computer changed my life and I talked about being a College Forums Moderator and studying Computing as an A level subject.

One of the teachers asked me more about my job as a moderator, but I sort of made a mistake in one of my answers (I used a wrong word) and because of that, the next question she asked was totally out of context of what I thought I gave for the answer to my previous question!

The other teacher asked me about Computing... and when she asked me about the mistakes I tend to make when I just started doing this course, I meant to say that I missed out certain important characters in my source code, but I sort of forgot what to say in Japanese for "characters", so in the end I just said "Kyarakutaa" (yes, Japanese is that convenient!)... it was only after the oral when I realized that I should have just said "ji" for "character".

After the Oral Exam I went to the McDonalds outlet at Bishan Interchange to do my Physics and realised that it's quite a nice place to mug.

Oh, and in the Food Junction outlet at Junction 8, there are some spots that are very secluded, I almost wanted to call it a potential mugging paradise... but then again, I thought I would get claustrophobia if I sat there for more than 4 hours.