overly romanticised version of life

images by onionhead, RebzxJonasxMoseley

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

OK... finally...

OK Melvin, here's the method Joe taught me about Beta pleated sheets.

Parallel Beta Sheet

Anti-parallel Beta Sheet

Yesterday Joe called my house and told me to call him... I knew what it was about, of course. He is to meet me today to return my Food Chem summaries to me.

I just told Mum that I've got to "collect some Food Chem stuff" from Joe. Which was half-right.

I then told her the "stuff" was actually my "notes" (I was referring to my summaries)... she freaked out and lectured me for a long time (5 minutes of that was long enough!) about the dangers of lending notes to friends during this important season (yeah, right, when I was actually studying Computing these days and didn't need my Food Chem notes or summaries anyway...).

Then when I told her that I was referring to my summaries... she heaved a sigh of relief and said something like "as long as your notes are with you, it's fine. Summaries are not so important".

I felt so insulted. She never trusted my summaries and blamed my reliance on summarising my notes for my downfall (Prelims results, I mean) when I didn't have the time to study even my summaries before Prelims anyway...

I'll prove her wrong and go to mug now.