overly romanticised version of life

images by onionhead, RebzxJonasxMoseley

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Site updates

Firstly, check out this picture I found last year (I didn't have a blog then, so I couldn't share it anywhere).

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The "Transformers" -- Darth Vader version. It's capable of transforming into Vader's TIE X1 fighter! Notice the TIE X1 cockpit on his chest... the stabilizer fins behind...

OK. Now, I've made some updates in my list of links!

3 new sites are added to the "Star Wars" list: (the most famous unofficial SW site)

Another site where one can find a treasure trove of movie stills of Attack of the Clones.

"The Darth Side", where someone did a blog on the possible thoughts of Darth Vader throughout the course of the Star Wars saga. It's very interesting, I tell you.

Under "Christian Sites", I've added the official website for Sy Rogers, an evangelist who came to our church quite a few times. I watched his life testimony video on my church website recently and liked it very much.

In that video, he talked about how he was deprived of love in the past and how he wanted masculine love so much that he became a homosexual, and how he eventually encountered Christ in a personal and powerful way.

One thing he talked about was the way Christians evangelize... about some Christians talking about punishment in Hell more than about the Saviour. At the time when he did not know Christ yet, and was bothered by Christians who only told him what he did was wrong, and nothing else. He said something like this to God...

"I'll do what I want on my way to Hell, and I hope it hurts you."

People cannot be saved if all we tell them about is hell.

In the end (probably because many of his friends prayed for him), just before he did the sex-change operation, Christ personally came to him and he felt the presence of God very strongly. He thought of changing his ways and asked God for a sign as to how he should proceed.

Just a few days later, the doctors who advocated the sex-change clinic in his country decided to shut down the whole clinic , stating that , according to their findings, sex-change was not medically beneficial for the individual.

Amazing, isn't it?

Anyway, these are just some updates on my site, in case you didn't notice.