overly romanticised version of life

images by onionhead, RebzxJonasxMoseley

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Quaker oats

Yesterday was SPA day for me again. For me and some other not-so-good-at-SPA individuals.

It was OK for me lah... Skill A Planning. Thermochem. No kick.

Haha Ms Fong had better not see this... if not she announce my SPA marks to the whole class.

After that was Food Chem make-up-lecture, where we learnt about food additives. By the way, if you feel giddy after taking lots of MSG, drinking a can of Cola will help. Don't ask me why.

We (IT Club lah) played Quake 3 again yesterday... Cool! I think I damn pro at the game already... but I was still one of the bottom frags leh...

I think I'm done for the pictures part of my Star Wars special. I spent about 2 hours yesterday on that. It'd better work well.

Today was the same... mugging and all... in the afternoon I went back to AHS with Kelvin for the Harmonica Orchestra handover. Heh, Sok Shin is the new Octave sectional leader... she sure has a lot of leadership responsibilities now... Student Council Chairperson... haha.

All the best, new HO Exco!

Then I joined them for a cake-and-pizza section... I ate a slice of the HO "birthday" cake (inverted commas because HO's anniversary was long over... this was a postponed celebration...) and some scraps from the pizza toppings.

And the few generations of Octave group members took a photo! Haha Wenrong and I were, like, strangling each other... and our faces were almost out of the scope of the camera (haha wonder why we're so tall, lol).

Following that was the Sec 1 members audition... I remember the time when I was in Sec 1 and the audition took place way before June! Maybe this year the Sec 1 members' induction was postponed because of SYF. Don't know lah.

I had to leave halfway through the audition because I have to mug some more!

So now, mug I shall!