overly romanticised version of life

images by onionhead, RebzxJonasxMoseley

Thursday, June 02, 2005

I Dream

Sorry Shihui, this is nothing about Taufik.

I had this dream last night... I would call it a nightmare... I was with this group of people working for a crime lord, who was trafficking some drugs at that time. And I was supposed to be the one taking his blame.

Very bizzare lah, because later he did push the blame to me, throwing down the briefcase of drugs before me and denied that he knew me the moment he emerged from... our College Bio-IT lab.

I threw the briefcase back at him and ran to the area below... Lecture Theater 1 and shouted at some people that I didn't know that guy...

Don't know what happened, and I was at a chalet with a group of friends, planning activities during our stay.

Then it's back to the crime lord again, this time he was at a top of some high structure, throwing my friends down to their deaths... saying that this was because I "betrayed" him... stuff like that.

After shouting out something like "you might as well throw me down lah!", I woke up.

Thank God it was just a dream.

Oh, the bookshop uncle (who makes group T-shirts too) called to tell me that the image I submitted was too blurred and I had to make a new one... hope this new image can work, because it's only 8 days away from the June Camp.

8 days to the hike of the year!