overly romanticised version of life

images by onionhead, RebzxJonasxMoseley

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Just some updates

It's not that I've been too busy to blog these days.

It's just that my days have been so monotonous... just mugging and DotA-ing (yes I did play some DotA to chill out)... nothing much lah.

But, for the sake of keeping this page active...

I've still been doing summary for my Computing notes... and I hope to finish the "Operating Systems" part (comprising 9 chapters!) by today. I started doing this set of notes last Friday (Day 1 of ITC June Camp) and I think I took long enough.

No TV for me (I lost hope in TV long ago, unlike dear Kelvin who just blogged about TV) and I spend my free time reading novels (good substitutes for TV shows)... but I had to leave my newly bought "Star Warped" aside. It's too funny to be read in such a time as this. Will save it after JCT.

Talk about books, I came across this SW Clone Wars novel called "Jedi Trial" yesterday. The reason I will buy this book soon is because it's about Anakin's trial to become a full-fledged Jedi Knight, and also it features Nejaa Halcyon, the biological grandfather of Corran Horn (my favourite character from SW novels).

The Omnibus which compiles the novelisation of "Revenge of the Sith" and the novel "Labyrinth of Evil" will be out (thank goodness it's paperback -- I don't like hardcovers) near the end of November. Good for me, since it's probably after the 'A' levels.

And I hope it's not too expensive.

I had a haircut yesterday and it was quite good. One looks healthier with shorter hair. Don't know why, but that's what I think.

By the way, while searching for cool pictures for use of avatars (user display picture) in my College Forums, it just so happened that I came across these pictures which are... erm... cool. Yeah.

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What you would have seen if you unmask Darth Vader in his early years. I don't know how they got this picture, though.

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Compare the previous picture with this one, which is Vader unmasked when he was in his forties.

Sayonara for now.