overly romanticised version of life

images by onionhead, RebzxJonasxMoseley

Thursday, June 09, 2005

God is faithful

OK I've been very busy these days to update my blog.

On Tuesday morning while I was on one of my fridge raids I was this kind of candy my Dad bought... the name translates as "Cow Skin Candy." Didn't try it, though.

Tuesday evening was Electone time for me agin. This time my teacher suggested that I change some of the songs I will use for examination... because some of my current songs were not too challenging.

Which meant that I had to give up Mission Impossible Theme from my list of repertoires. Big sigh. That song was... OK I admit it was a bit easy lah... lots of holding chords... but it was nice, nonetheless.

And I would not take the Melodies of Life song from FF9. I can't even play the introduction well. And it's in E major, an unfamiliar key to me.

Or you may tell me to challenge the limit and not stay in the comfort zone. But I've got no time and patience for that, especially when it's not a song that I would want to learn despite having to take great pains.

Wednesday morning was horrible. With a ray of hope nevertheless.

As I was busy on Tuesday, I switched on my (or rather Mum's) handphone and I recieved more than 10 messages the bookshop uncle sent me. The messages said the same thing -- that the T-shirt design I gave him was too light.

AGAIN! I had enough of his "not clear enough" complaints already... didn't know what to do. And June Camp was on this Friday.

And the uncle went overseas on Tuesday.

Just as I was giddy from seeing this shocking news, I recieved another message from my fellowship friend Xiaoyun. It says "Any prayer requests?".

I was stunned. Just when I thought all was against me, this little message reminded me of God's faithfulness (not to mention his perfect timing) and of course, I replied her with this T-shirt problem I was facing.

I still don't know whether we will get our T-shirts on Friday... sorry guys if the T-shirt cannot be done by then. Pray lah. I tried very hard to make the picture suitable for T-shirt printing. The uncle kept saying cannot... too light... too blurred.

Too many times already.

Still, God is faithful.

Oh... regardless of whether there will be T-shirt or not, the camp tomorrow should be very exciting... with the hike and all. Tomorrow I'll be wearing my very first pair of toe-socks!

OK I'm that country bumpkin again...