overly romanticised version of life

images by onionhead, RebzxJonasxMoseley

Saturday, February 16, 2008

My Work at NUS

It seems that I haven't blogged about my work at NUS yet, so here goes.

I'm working in the IRB (Institutional Review Board) which reviews research plans and see if they fall within ethical boundaries. It's located at one of the Medicine Faculty blocks.

They're in this transition phase for now, so I'm there as a temp to help in establishing the new way of storing archived research proposals.

In short, I scan paper.

I'll be learning more things as time goes by, and whether I'm daunted or excited I still can't tell. 'Cause ultimately if you ask me, I'm cool with scanning paper all day.

My partner in crime. Giving the -___- face.

But outside my job....

I get to have an early immersion into the NUS culture, without the baggage of schoolwork!

Plus, this is the only period of time I get to sit at staff seats during lunch time, at Science canteen where the length of queues can actually reduce your appetite.


The Central Forum was just a few stops from Science, and I've already made a few trips there before, as far as the Arts Canteen (Called "The Deck"). There's kind of like a doodle board at the Central Forum where people complain about boring school life, about seeing "Little Miss" everywhere, and a few examples of the proverb of old, "Pot calling the kettle black".

You get the point.

One thing that struck me about the Arts canteen is the view. Not exactly spectacular, just that you can see the Pasir Panjang port from there.

It's a regret I can't translate the beauty of it through the camera lens. No wonder they have photography classes.

For the pious, there's no lack of spirituality in the Uni culture too. For Christian fellowship groups alone, there're 3 of them. That's not counting the Catholic student's group yet. I've been in Campus Crusade before (during JC), and they've recently scored one more point for me with this ad.

The brutal truth. Will set you free.

Want more leaven in the dough? They had a bazaar recently at Central Forum and I walked past this booth that sells scripture T-Shirts (Haven't seen one in ages!). Turned out they're from Trinity Christian Centre (Chiang Wee's church)... and out of many designs (usually parodies), I fished out this one, for very obvious reasons.


And I saw this ad for a weekly event on "Discovering Buddhism". I might just go for exposure (that's if they're not as pushy as some of my fellow Christians can get), 'cause Buddhism as a philosophy is good in itself, even though the version of Buddhism I've been hearing has always been something along the lines of money, Toto and 4D (that kind of disappointed me).

Moving on to lodging, I've haven't seen any hall except for King Edward 7, and because it's right next to Prince George's Park (PGP for short) Residence, it gets dulled in comparison. Here're some shots I took at PGP.




Food for the body, Manna for the spirit, and a place to rest your head. The Exodus Israelites were far from satisfied, and so are we.

Tsk, humans.

Of course, NUS is full of the element of fun. In fact they've just made merry (and of course money) with the recent, erm, this, the... day before Total Defence Day. Yeah.

The Basilisk's eyes burned Colin Creevey's camera. This one burned mine.

You basically see so many posters publicising for CCAs and events, I wonder why anyone actually said NUS is boring. But I'll never know until I matriculate, sigh. Perhaps they'll make another disillusioned student? Perhaps I'll be having the time of my life in there?

Perhaps I get to hear the legendary "noises of the night", which means I don't need the help of the Internet anymore.

Perhaps I can join Science Club and sell ice-cream with the 23/04 girls.