overly romanticised version of life

images by onionhead, RebzxJonasxMoseley

Monday, February 04, 2008


I rarely get touched by songs on a very personal level. I can get blown away by very good arrangement ("Wow that's a nice chord! Got me surprised there!") or very good vocabulary use (personally I'm all praises for stuff like "缺氧过后的爱情" from "退后").

Or the instruments used. Like that high attack acoustic guitar.

Songs that touch me on a personal level are few. Songs that can sit by my side, put an arm round my shoulder (alright that sounds a bit creepy), even fewer.

In short, lyrics with warmth. Good vocab can sometimes still feel like a slab of metal; what's important is, I guess, the message it brings across.

Here's something I would like to share today.


《快乐》 -- 张智成

快乐 是可以分享的
快乐 需要一些过程
快乐 总是会被记得


我只是 不要你不快乐

被爱 应该是幸福的
去爱 没有想象的愚蠢
想爱 可以非常的单纯

你问 我怎么那么深
爱你 我认识了快乐


But I have to say, the addition of that Cantonese oldie chorus (not included in above lyrics duh!) sort of spoiled it for me. But I can never forget the first verse in the first instance of the chorus (in bold and italics). Never.